42 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 141,142, 145, 149. 1874. troller of the Currency, and shall publish notice of such contemplated change of location in two weekly papers in Hagerstown, State of Maryland, not less than four weeks, thereupon such change of location and name shall be effected, and the operations of d1scount and deposit of said bank shall be carried on in the city of Washington, in the Dis- P*°"i¤°· trict of Columbia: Provided, That such acceptance of this act be made within six months after tho passage ofthis act, and that all expenses incident to the proposed change, including engraving, shall be borne and aid b said bank. Liabilities andp SEC? 2. That nothing in this act shall be so construed as in any man- ·‘igl¤*¤ ¤¤¢l¤¤-¤K¤d· ner to release tho said bank from any debt, demand, or liability whatever, nor affect any action or proceeding in law in which the said bank may he a party interested ; andall-the rights, privileges, and powers of the Citizens’ National Bank of Hagerstown, in the State of Maryland, shall devolve upon the Citizens’ National Bank of Washington City, whenever such change is effected. Approved, May 1, 1874. May ]_ [574_ CHAP. 142.——An act to render available an unexpended balance of appropriation for ·*m——*" collection and payment of bounty, &e., for colored soldiers and sailors. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United U,mp€,,dcd ML Scales of America in Congress assembled, That the balance of appropriaance mr collection tion, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for collection and payment =¤ u d n=ry¤¤¤¤¤t 0 fof bounty, prizemoney, and other legitimate claims, of colored soldiers
- l'(‘,';3's gc alndtsailors,Junexpenfled ati1theiex(pirat}on of the ttiscal year) endin g the
,,v,,,m,j(,_` t ir iet 1 o une,cig1tcen uu rc am seventyt rec, may e expcn c under the direction of the Secretary of War for the payment of expenses incurred in the iiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, in the collection and payment of bounty, prizemoney, and other legitimate claims of colored soldiers and sailors. Approved, May 1, 1.874. May 6, gg CHAP. 145.-—-Au act to grant an American register to the barque "Azor." Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United American register States of America th Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the to lmrquc "A¤¤r-” Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to issue an American register to the barque "Azor," an American built vessel employed as a packet between the island of Fayal and the United States, which had been transferred to a British subject in eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and retransferred to the heirs of Charles W. Dabney, late consul of the United States in the island of Fayal. Approved, May G, 1874. May 7, 1874. CHAP. 149,-An act to amend the act entitled "An act to regulate the carriage of "]B§Lq;"E}ffg{;;} Vgf passengers in stoamships and other vessels/’ approved March three, eighteen hundred X, ,,_ H9_ and fifty-tivo. Bc it enacted by me Senate and House of Representatives of the United _l¤¤»y·cnl of ¤~<:¤iou States of America in Ooregress assembled, That the thirteenth section of ‘°· the act entitled "An act to regulate the carriage of passengers in steamshipsand other vessels," approved March third, eighteen hundred and ,,0,,mmm 0, cm hfty-11ve, he, and the same IS hereby, repealed ; and that hereafter each ,0,,,,, ,0 ,,,,,k(, M_ and every collector of customs to whom shall be delivered the manifests t|ll’llS or lis ts Oror lists of passengers prescribed by the twelfth section of the act aforer»¤·~s<·¤¤g9(¤f·» New- said, approved March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, shall make ”***`>' "* 1""S""Y· returns from such manifests or lists of passengers to the Secretary of