FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Siess. I. Ch. 140,1.%,163,165. lS74. 43 the Treasury of the United States, in such manner as shall be prescribed by that oiilcer, under whose direction statements of the same
- shall be prepared and published.
Approved, May 7, 1874. ‘ CHAP. 154.-An not to amend the thirty-first section of an act entitled “An act for May 8, 1874. · enrolliuiand ca.l1ing out the national militia, and for other phrposes," approve¢l March t ird, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. VOL xii, P_ 73(;_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Ifcprescnia-tires of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all officers on duty at any Leave of absence point west of a line drawn north and south through Omaha City, and E0 °°"“““ "““Y "" north of a line drawn east and west upon the southern boundary of Ari- °°”' zoua, shall be allowed sixty days’ leave of absence without deduction of pay or allowances :.Provided, That the same is taken but once in two years: pmvism Andpro1:€dedfuo·t7zcr, That the leave of absence may be extended to three months, if `taken once only in three years; or four months if taken once only in four years. Approved, May 8, 1874. ·· CHAP. 163.-Au act in relation to the customs duties on imported fruits. May 9, 1874. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House or Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- A 5°P‘”F:“'?“" ury is hereby directed to suspend the repayment of all duties heretofore f:,iQ°;u(;;,,,;w§{Tr paid on imported fruits until further legislation by Congress authorizing the same, or until the final decision of the Supreme Court, except in cases where suits in court have been discontinued by instructions of the Secretary of the Treasury.. And the error in the punctuation of the E"°’ “°’“*“*°‘l- clause relating to fruit-plants in the fifth section of the act approved June six, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled "An act to reduce 1B7‘2,__ch. 315, ts duties on imports, and to reduce internal taxes, and for other purposes," '°r *'*’· P- 235- of inserting a comma instead of a hyphen after the word “ iruit” is hereby corrected, and said clause shall read as follows: Fruit-plants tropical and semi-tropical for the purpose of propagation or cultivation: Provided, That the duties imposed by virtue of this amendment shall Proviso. not be levied or collected upon frui_ts entered for consumption at any port of entry prior to July iirst, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. Approved, May 9, 1874. CHAP. 165.-An not providing for the pnyment of the bonds of the Louisville and llgy 11, 1874. Portland Canal Company. `T;81:s7Eog`?2¥.§'%`if xvu .‘ . Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ’ P States of America in Congress assembled, That the appropriations made Appropriation my by the act approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, £°·5’%“°95 °m3li$** gf entitled ‘*An act making appropriations for the repair, preservation, m'Qf{‘@',Qnf,§',mpfj;yl and completion of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for c(,m,,.w;_ other purposes! for the payment of the debts of the Louisville and Portland Canal Company, are hereby continued in full force, and are made permanently applicable to the payment of the debts of the said Louisville and Portland Canal Company; and so much as may be necessary shall be applied to the payment of the interest as it accrues, and the principal of the outstanding bonds of said company as they mature: Provided, Iurugcver, That the Secretary of the Treasury may purchase P ur chase of and pay for any of said bonds, ut the market price, not above par, when- bends. ever he deems it for the interest of the United States.