TREATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF PERU. Snrm. 6, 1870. 715 ful for any public authority or other persona cualquiera, amparar 6 properson within their respective do- tejer a. tales desertores dentro de minions to harbor or protect such sus respectivas dominios. deserters. . Anrronn XXXV. Anricnno XXXV. For the purpose of more effect- Gon el objeto de protejcr de un Consular treaty ually protecting thirtcommerce modo mas etectivo su comercio y*°b<> ¤¤¤d<>· and navigatiomthe twocontracting navegacion, los dos partes contraparties do hereby agree to form, as tantes convienen por la presente soon hereafter as may be mutually en iormar mas adelante, tan pronto convenient, a consular convention, como a. ambas les convenga, una which shall declare specially the convencion consular cn que se depowers and immunities of the claren especialmente las facultades consuls and vice-consuls of the é inmunidades do los consules y respective parties ‘ vice-consules de las partes re- Spectivas. 0 Arrrionm XXXVI. Aumfcoro XXXVI. Until the conclusion of a consu- Hasta que se concluya una con- Property of dclar convention, the high contracting vencion consular, queda estipulado ¤<>d9¤*¤. P<>W¤1‘¤ wd parties agree that in the absence entre las altas partes contratantes:l,1“"‘°“ °f °°“““]“ "“ of thelegal heirsorrepresentatives que en ausencia de los herederos °' the consuls or viceconsuls of either legales 6 sus representantes, los party shall be ex officio the execu- consules 6 vice-consules de cna]- tors or administrators of the citi— quieradelaspartessera.n“exoilicio" zens of their nation who may die ·los albaceas o administradores de within their consular jurisdictions, losciudadanos de su nacion que and of their countrymen dying at mueran dentro de sus distritos sea whose property may be brought consulares; y de aquellos que mnewithin thirdistrict. The said con- ran en la mar y cuya propiedad suls or viceconsuls shall call in a pueda ser llevada a algun puerto o justice of the peace or some other lugar dentro delosmismos distritos. judicial authority to assist in taking Los dichos consules 6 vice-consules an inventory of theeifects and podran presentarse a rin juez. de property left by the deceased, after paz 6 a cualquiera otra autoridad ' which the said effects shall remain judicial, y pedir que se haga el inin the hands of the said consuls or ventario de los eteetos y propievice-consuls, who shall be author- dades que ha deiado el difunto, y ized to sell immediately such of despues dc hecho,csos efectos quethe effects or property as may be daran en poder del consul 6 viceof a perishable nature, and to dis- consul, el que estara. autorizado pose of the remainder according to para vender inmediatamente aquethe instructions of their respective llos efectos 6 propiedades que Governments. And where the de- puedan suirir deterioro, y para disceased has been engaged in com- -poner del resto scgun las instrucmerce or other business, the consuls ciones de sus respectivos Gobiernos. or vice-consuls shall hold the effects Y cuando el difunto haya estado and property so remaining until consagradoal comercio 6 a otros the expiration of twelve. calendar negocios, los consoles 6 vice-cou months, during which time the sules guardaran los cfectos y procreditors, if any, of the deceased, piedades que hayan quedado dushall have the right to present rante el plazo de doce meses, a fin their claims and demands against de que si hay acreedores contra el the said effects and property; and difunto, puedan presentar sus rcall questions arising out of such clamaciones 6 demandas contra los claims or demands shall be decided dichos bienes, ytodas las cuestioncs by the laws of the country wherein ‘ que se susciten portales reclamathe said citizens may have died. ciones o demanuas se decidiran It is understood, nevertheless, that segun las leyes del pais en ·donde if no claim or demand shalkhave los dichos ciudadanos hayan talle-