756 TREATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR. JUNE 28, 1872. Juno 28, 1872 Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador. Eatradition. Ooncluded thine 28, 1872; Ratification advised by Senate January 6, 1873; Ratiyied by President January 10, 1873; Batyied by President of Ecuador November 12,. 1873; Ratifications exchanged at Quito November 12, 1873; Proclainned December 24, 1873. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. _ A PROCLAMATION, Prcamme. Whereas a treaty for the mutual extradition of criminals, fugitives " from justice, between the United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Quito on the twenty-eighth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy-two; which treaty, being in the·Euglish and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: _ - Extraditirm treaty beticecnihe United Oonvencion de eatradicion entre Za States of America and the Repub- Republica del Ecuador y los Eslic of Ecuador. tadu Unidos de América. Coutrmtiug P,,,. The United States. of America La Republica del Ecuador y los ties. and the Republic of Ecuador, hav- Estados Unidos de America, habiing deemed it conducive to the bet- endo juzgado conveniente para la ter administration of j ustice and the mejor administracion de justicia, y prevention of crime within their re- para prevenir crimenes dentro de spective territories that all persons sus territorios respectivos, que las convicted oforaccuscd of thecrimes personas condenadas por 6 acusaenumerated below, being being das de los crimenes enumcrados eu fugitives from justice, shall be, un- seguida y siendo Fugitives de la jusder certain circumstances, recipro- ticia sean bajo ciertas eircunstaucally delivered up, have resolved to cias reciprocamente entregadas, conclude a treaty upon the subject; han resuelto celebrarnna convenand the President of, the United cion,ycon tal objeto han nombrado States has for this purpose named como sus respectivos Plenipotenci— Rumsey Wing, a citizen of the arios: el Presidente de la Republica United States, and their Minister del Ecuador al H. Sor. Francisco Resident in Ecuador, as Plenipo- Javier Leon, Ministro del Interior tentiary on the part of the United y 1'telacione Exteriores, yel Presi- States, and the President of Ecua- deute de los Estados Unidos al dor has named Francisco Javier Escmo. Sor. Bumsey Wing, ciuda- Leon, Minister of the Interior and dano y Ministro Residents de los of Foreign Affairs, as Plenipoten- Estados Unidos en el Ecuador; tiary on the part of Ecuador; who, quienes, despues de haberse comuhaving reciprocally communicated nicado reciprocameute sus plenos their full powers, and the same poderes . y hallandolos eu buena y having been found in good and vlebida forma, han convenido en los due form, have agreed upon the articulos siguientes: following articles, viz: Anrrcrn 1sr. Anricuno 1**. _Extra<lition of fu- The Government of the United El Gobierno del Ecuador y el 8******** *"°m J“°'°*°°· States and the Government of Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Ecuador mutually agree to deliver América convienen en entregarse . up such persons as may have been rnutuamente las personas condenaconvicted of or may be accused of das por 6 acusadas dc los crimenes the crimes set forth in the to1l0w· enumerados en el articulo que sigue.