292 FOBTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CII. 101. 1877. said amount to be expended out of the funds in the United States Treasury belonging to said North Carolina Oherokecs. Osage Indian To re-imbnrse the Osage Indians for losses sustained, and in accord- 105**- ance with pledges by their agents, five thousand dollars. Saw-mill,etc.,on For completion of a. saw-mill and grist-mill and bridge, now being Simi! F¤¤¤*'V¤*i°¤· constructed under contract, on the Siletz reservation in Oregon, three _ . thousand one hundred and eightyfour dollars and fifty-five cents. Expenses of In- For this amount, or S0 much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the •“¤¤ ¤°¤¤¤i¤¤l°¤· expenses of the commission of citizens, serving without compensation, ’ }g°g££",}€• appointed by the President under the provisions of the fourth section "of the act of April tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, nfteen thousand dollars. Goods and sup- To pay the expenses of purchasing goods and supplies, under con- Plies. tract, for the Indian service, including advertising, at rates not exceeding regular commercial rates, inspection and all other expenses connected therewith, including telegraphing, twenty-tive thousand dollars, to be available immediately. S u p P 0 h h 0 r For the support of schools not otherwise provided for, for the sup- ¤<=lw¤l¤· port of industrial schools, and for other educational purposes for the Indian tribes, thirty thousand dollars. support of rh- For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be d`ians on White expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in the hmh ’°“°"’·“°“· care and support of the Otter Tail, Piilager, Pembina, and Mississippi Chippewa. Indians, on the White Earth Reservation in Minnesota, and to assist them in their agricultural operations, five thousand dollars; and for the erection of a suitable building for a grist-mill in connection with the saw-mill on said reservation, five thousand dollars; in ull, ten thousand dollars. _ Miamies. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to carry out in part the pro-
gg? vision of the act entitled "An act to abolish the Miami tribe of indians,
‘* ‘ and for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, the following sums are hereby appropriated, to becliarged to the Miami tribal fund, and to beimmediately available, namely: For payment to such Miamies as elected to become citizens under said act their proportion of the tribal moneys, thirty-three thousand one hundred and thirty-three dollars and ninety-six cents; and for payment to confederated bands of Kaskaskia, Peoria, Piankesliaw, and Wea Indians, twenty-four thousand nine hundred and nity-two dollars and three cents; in ull, fifty-eight thousand eighty-five dollars and ninety- nine cents. _ · _ School-house rm- For expenses incurred in the erection of a school-house for the P0ttu· Pottawatomies. watomies in the year eighteen hundred and seventynvc, the same being a re-appropriation of money made for this purpose and not used in eighteen hundred and seventy-four, twenty-five hundred dollars. Shgghopgg and SETTLZEMEN'1‘, SUBSISTENCE, AND SUPPORT or sH0snoNEs AND BAN- Bannacks etc., in NACKS, AND OTHER BANDS IN IDAII0 AND SOUTIIEASTERN 01tEGoN. Idaho and Oregon. For this amount, to be expended by the direction of the President, in assisting the roving bands of Indians in Southeastern Idaho to move and locate on the Fort Hall reservation in Idaho Territory, and to assist them in educational and agricultural pursuits on said reservation, fifteen thousand dollars. For this amount, to be expended, by direction of the President, in assisting the roving bands of Indians in Southeastern Oregon to move and locate on some proper reservation in Oregon, and to assist them in agricultural pursuits thereon, ten thousand dollars. Incidental ex- For incidental expenses of the Indian service in the following States P°¤P°¤ Indiimralid Territories, namely: In Arizona Territory twenty live thOllS8ll(l ""‘°°‘ dollars; California, twenty-tive thousand dollars; Colorado, four thou sand dollars; Dakota Territory iiftcen thousand dollars; Idaho Terri- _ tory, three thousand dollars; Montana Territory, six thousand dollars;