'FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 101. 1877. 293 Washington Territory, ten thousand dollars; Wyoming Territory, one thousand dollars; Nevada, ten thousand dollars; Territory of New Mexico, twenty thousand dollars; Oregon, fifteen thousand dollars; Utah Territory, ten thousand dollars; Central superintendenoy, four thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and forty-eight thousand dollars : Provided, That the same be used for annuity goods, subsistence, agricultural implements, for educational purposes, for repairs of flour-mills, · saw-mills, agency-buildings, incidental transportation, and for paying ' employees. INTEREST CN TRUST-FUND STOCKS. f Inltortz tlpntrust- HH S 0 S. For payment of interest on certain abstracted and non-paying State stocks, belonging to the various Indian tribes, and held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven: For trustfund interest due Cherokee national fund,twenty-six thou- Cherokee nasand and sixty dollars. *i<>¤¤·1 f¤¤¢i- For trust-fund interest due Cherokee school-fund, two thousand four cnerekeeeenneihundred and ten dollars. _ f¤¤d· For trust-fund interest due Chickasaw national fund, nineteen thou- oniekeenw nn. sand eight hundred and twenty dollars. f5i<>¤=¤-i f¤¤d· For trustfund interest due Choctaw general fund, twenty-seven thou- oneetew general sand dollars. f¤¤¢i· For trustfund interest due Creek orphans, four thousand and forty- Creek orphans’ eight dollars. . fund- For trust-fund interest due Delaware general fund, eight thousand Delaware genuine hundred and thirty dollars. ¤¤¤1 f'¤¤d- For trust·fund interest due Iowas, three thousand five hundred and I<>we¤· twenty dollars. _ _ · For trust-fund interest due Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas, and Pianke- K*’·°gf °§k*°i§» shaws, four thousand eight hundred and one dollars. :gf;Q,m‘Z,‘;"°°’ *' For trust-fund interest due Kaskaskias, Weas, Peorias, and Pianke- ` shuws’ school-fund one thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollars. For trust-fund interest due Menomonees, nine hundred and fifty dol- M¤¤°¤¤°¤°°¤· lars. For trust-fund interest due Ottawas and Chippewas, two hundred and Ottawas and thirty dollars. Cl¤irp¤W¤·¤· For contingencies of trust-fund, namely: For expenses in connection Contingent exwith the Indian trust-fund for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, P¤¤¤¤¤ of *¤¤¤*· eighteen hundred and seventyseven, five hundred dollars. f““d‘ . Sec. 2. That for the purpose of properly distributing the supplies 1{<»ll¤ of I¤dl¤;¤¤ appropriated for in this act, it is hereby made the duty of each agent in :Q2“L°:cQg;_“PP1‘“ charge of Indians, and having supplies to distribute, to make out rolls g of the indians entitled to supplies at the agency, with the names of the [ndians and of the heads of families or lodges, with the number in each w;'LPPu°“ f°" "“° family or lodge, and to give out supplies to the heads of families, and not ' to the heads of tribes or bands, and not to give out supplies for a greater length of time than one week in advance: Provided, however, Pr<>vi¤¤· That the Commissioner of Indian Affairs may, in his discretion, issue _ supplies for a greater period than,one week to such Indians as are peaceably located upon their reservation and engaged in agriculture: » Provided, however, That no purchase of supplies exceeding in the aggre- Proviso. gate nre hundred dollars in value at any one time shall be made without advertisement, except in case of exigency, when purchases may be made in open market in amount not exceeding three thousand dollars. _ Sec. 3. That so much of the appropriations herein made as may be f APP¥gP**°·***;?¤¤ required to pay for goods and supplies, and for transportation of the a‘:`dgQf,n*Q:§r*Q§,§g:{ same, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy- immgdigtgly emu. eight,_shall be immediately available; but no such goods or supplies able. shall be distributed or delivered to any of said Indians prior to July first, eighteen hundred and sevéntyseven Approved, March 3, 1877.
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