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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/32

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G FORTY-FOURTH GONGBESS. Sess. l. Ch.) 17, 18, 19, 20. 1876. lows: “And all who are qualified voters of said Territory under the laws thereof at such time as the constitution to be framed shall be submitted to the people for ratification or rejection shall be entitled to vote upon , the question of such ratiiication or rejection? _ Appropriation, Sec. 2. That section thirteen of said act be amended by addm g at the 1875, cli. 139, end of said section thirteen the following: “And if the balance of said 18 Stat., 476. legislative appropriations does not amount to the sum of twenty thou— Asand dollars, then there shall be, and there hereby is, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sum suticient, with the said unexpended appropriations, to make the sum_of twenty thousand dollars, which shall be used for the purposes aforesaid: Proviso. Provided, That any money hereby appropriated not necessary for such · purposes shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States. Approved, March 3, 1876. A Mmm, 3, l876_ CHAP. 18.-An act to remedy an error in enrolment —"""_“—_* Whereas, in the bill ior sundry civil expenses, approved March third, · 18,5 ch ,.,0 eighteen hundred and seventy-five, of the amount therein provided ior 18 S{,,,,_'3g,,_' the improvement of the Capitol grounds, the sum of fifty thousand ' dollars, was made available from the passage of the act: And whereas, the clause relating to the immediate availability of that sum was omitted in the enrolment of said act; Therefore, A ) To mu mm Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United m,,d16I:,v,,l,i,,bi0_ States of America, in Congress assembled, That the sum of six thousand six hundred and ninetynine dollars and eighteen cents, or as much thereof as may be necessary to pay liabilities incurred during the hscal year ending J upe thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventyhve, for labor, &c., in the improvement of the Capitol grounds, is hereby rendered available for the above named purpose, the sum to be paid out of the funds provided in said bill approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, for the improvement of the Capitol grounds. Approved, March 3, 1876. , _ __-________ / I March 3, 1876. CHAP. 19.-An act to clgzgnxgsggliteo iilameopf, plggsghlggnpr "Turner and Keller " of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Name of schoon- States of America in Congress assembled, That the owners of the schooner gf l1‘T,*}¤;]¤¤ eéld ·‘ Turner and Keller " of Oswego, New York, have authority to change ° °" ° °‘”g“ ·‘ the name of said schooner to “Falmouth" by which name said schooner shall hereafter be known and registered. ~ . Approved, March 3, 1876. ` gymyci, (5, 1876, CHAP. 20.-An act to extend the time for claimants under section eleven, of chapter -—--————>—~ tour hundred and fifty-nine, of the laws of the Forty-third Congress, to prove their Ame, Pp_ 1, 3_ claims. {,;,8,:* 1;,36,,59 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 18 S{,,,_, 24;,] States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be the duty of the C 0,,,. t of Am, Court of Commissioners lor the Alabama Claims to receive, examine and baina Claims, time pass upon all claims that may be admissible under the provisions of

:11 WP- chapter tour hundred and fifty-nine of the laws of the Forty-third Con-

. ‘· gress, which may be presented and filed within three months after this Pfoviso- act shall take effect: Provided, That it shall appear by the claimantis petition and be proved to the satisfaction of the court, that by reason oi his absence from the United States, or his ignorance of the time limited for the tiling of a petition by such claimant or by reason of fraud,