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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/33

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· FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. ,20, 23, 27, 28. 1876. 7 accident or mistake the claim of such claimant has not been previously presented to said court, within the time limited by said act; and such claim in cases where the claimant shall be absent from the United States at the time of presenting the petition, may be presented and verified in such manner as the court shall by rule have provided. Approved, March 6, 1876. · CHAP. 23.-An act to extend to the port of Genessee in the State of New York the March 14, 1876. privileges of sections twenty-nine hundred and ninety to twenty-nine hundred and ··;·—·—— _ ninety-seven of the Revised Statutes inclusive. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States • America in Congress assembled, That the privileges of sections R- Sg;g99g§32997· twenty-nine hundred and ninety to twenty-nine hundred and ninety- ggded to p(;,,°§} seven of the Revised Statutes inclusive be, and they are hereby extended 3mmé.,, to the port of Genessee, in the State of New York. Approved, March 14, 1876. CHAP. 27.-—An act to provide for the purchase of material and for the continuation March 15, 1876. of the work on the building for custom-house and post office, at Saint Louis, Mis- ··j·—··—··· BOD.!.`!. Be it enacted `by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ Mates of America in Congress assembled, That the Supervising Archi- LPM °m°°~§J“}“* tect of the Treasury Department be directed, and he is hereby author- ,,gEfig,22Qtm° S or ized and empowered, to contract for the iron columns and pilasters of ` the tirst story and for the rolled iron beams of the second story, of the United States post office and custom house at Saint Louis, Missouri; and the sum of seventynve thousand dollars, or so much thereof as Appropriation. may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the payment of said contract, payable out of the appropriation for said building; to be made for the next fiscal year. Provided, That said Architect may in his dis- Proviso. cretion, use such portion of said sum hereby appropriated for labor and material as is not needed for the performance of the contracts herein " authorized, and as may be absolutely necessary lor the proper preser— _ vation and progress of said building. And provided farther, That the - P'°““°· - contracts herein authorized to be made shall not in the aggregate exceed the sum of seventydive thousand dollars. Approved, March 15, 1876. CHAP. 28.--An act authorizing the purchase of additional grounds for the custom M9-¤=h 15. 1876- ‘ house at Nashville, Tennessee. ’*"“_"""' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary ol' the Treas- U“¤’_<H“ h°“°°_“* ury be, and he is hereby authorized to apply so much of the money liffhggtfgu °p{::,',; heretotore appropriated for a custom house, court house, and post office gppliim ’ at Nashville, Tennessee, not however, exceeding eighteen thousand Eve hundred dollars, for the purchase of the ground situated in said city and lying between the western boundary line of the present custom house lot and Spruce street, trontin g one hundred and sixty~li ve feet on Broad street, and running back the same distance to an alley, or such part thereof as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary, if in his judgment the public interests require additional land for said building: Provided, however, That the amount heretofore fixed by law as the Proviso. cost of said building shall he reduced to the extent of the sum that shall be applied in the purchase of said additional ground. Approved, March 15, 1876. ‘