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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/36

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l() FOBTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 40. 187 6. . deem proper for the management of the affairs of said asylum, and shall appoint annually, by ballot, at least thirty days before suchelection of Inspectors or trustees of said asylum, three fit and disinterested persons inspectors elections- of the then next election of trustees, and, at any time before the election, ` supply any vacancy which may occur in the office of any such inspector. Nine of the board of trustees, of which number the president or Quorum. vice-president must be one, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All committees, physicians, agents, and officers, Appointment of authorized by this act or by the by-laws of this asylum shall be apcfiicers, etc. pointed by the board of trustees. _ Liability of sub- Sec. 5. That no subscriber of this asylum shall be liable in his or her =°*“*°”· individual capacity for any contract, debt, or engagement of said .asy- lum after the full amount of their subscription is paid_in. _ First board of Sec. 6. That W. W. Corcoran, George H—. Plant, George W. Riggs,

    • ¤¤*~‘>°¤- W. W. Moore, Samuel Norment, J. W. Thompson, Matthew G. Emory,

John T. Given, A. E. Perry, Jolm C. Harkness, William Stickney, J. C. McKelden, Joseph Burrows, doctor of medicine, William J. Murtagh, Columbus Alexander, William R. Riley, D. D. Cone, Thomas Berry, George W. Stickney, D. P. Halloway, John W. Simms, E. O. Carrington, James H. Stone, Dickerson Nailor, and Joseph T. Howard, doctor of medicine, shall constitute -the first board of trustees, who shall hold their offices until a new board of trustees is elected; and they shall be Commissioners commissioners, whose duty it shall be to locate the said asylum and to ‘

  • ° ]°°°*° *‘S5'1“”°· receive subscriptions to the funds of said institution.

Voluntary up- Sec. 7. That the said institution shall hare power to receive any inl>“°*=*¤l¤· t·briate~who shall voluntarily make application thereto, and retain·him or her therein for such period as may be deemed advisable by the physician in charge. Commitment of Sec. 8. That any justice of the supreme court of the District of Columl¤·¢‘b*i¤*°¤- bia, upon petition or complaint, duly verified and presented by any relative of an inebriate or habitual drunkard, or by any officer of this asy- lum, or by any officer of police of said District of Columbia-, shall proceed thereupon to appoint a commission to inquire into the case in the same manner as is directed by law in relation to the care and custody of the persons and estates of idiots, lunatics, persons of unsound mind, and drunkards, and according to the rules and practice of the said supreme court in such cases. The person charged with being an inebriate shall have notice to be present himself, or by counsel, before such commission, and to defend himself from such charge. Upon becoming satisned by_the return of said commission that the person in question is an ‘ inebriate, orhabitual drunkard, any justice of the supreme court may is-" sue a warrant committing such inebriate or habitual drunkard to the said asylum for a period not exceeding one year as said justice may deem _ proper; and such warrant, duly issued, shall be full and sufficient justitication for all acts done by any properly-authorized officer under and g,,,,,mitmcp,,-,,. in accordance therewith. Such order of commitment may be vacated · titled. or modified by any justice of said supreme court on cause duly shown. · After complaint has been made, and pending the proceedings under this section, the justice hearing the case may commit the person charged with being an incbriate, or habitual drunkard, to said asylum, and the Temporary com- person so temporarily committed shall be discharged therefrom if, on niitmwt- the return of a commission, it be determined that he is not a proper person to be detained. ~'I‘he estate and person of any inebriate com- ( Support of me- mitted to said asylum shall be liable for his support therein; and the briatc. committee, trustee or guardian of every such person shall pay out of his estate such reasonable and proper sums as shall be Hxed by the justice ordering the commitment. whptobedecmea Sec. 9. That for the purposes of this act, any person who, by the use inenriates. of intoxicating liquors, or other intoxicants, has lost selfcontrol, or be- ` come incapable of proper attention to the care and management of his affairs, or habitually or periodically neglectful thereof, or dangerous to