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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/35

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 31, 40. 1876. 9 General Land Office, for the reason that they are for lands which, under the act of March sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty eight, can only be }§°é’£ €h·ng°» disposed of under the homestead and preemption laws, and to which ° R " ° ' no other legal objection exists be, and the same are hereby, confirmed; and title shall be transierred to the State as in other cases of such ` selections Approved, March 23, 1876. CHAP: 40.-An act to incorporate the Washington City Iuebriate Asylum in the Llarcb 30, 1876. . District of Columbia. y;-";;` Be it enacted by the Senatecmd Home of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all persons who shall be- Oorpomtorscome subscribers pursuant to this act shall hereby constitute and be declared a community-corlaoratiori and body politic forever, or until Cougress by law direct this charter to cease and determine, by and under the name of the Washington City Iuebriate Asylum of the District of Go- Name. lumbia.; and by and under the same name and title they shall he able and capable in their corporate name to take, purchase, have, lease, and Powers. hold real estate, not exceeding sixty acres, in the District of Columbia, and erect thereon a building or buildings suitable for the purposes of an ~ asylum hereinbeibre named; and to take, purchase, hold, mul convey such personal property as may be necessary to carry out the objects of said asylum, namely, the care end medical treatment and control of the inebriate, and lor no other purpose. Said asylum shall have power to sue and be sued, to make and use a. common seal, and alter the same at pleasure, to take and hold any grant or devise of land, or any donation or bequest of money or other personal property to be applied to the maintenance of said asylum. But the limitation that the said asylum shall not take, purchase, have, lease, and hold real estate shall only apply to property leased or purchased, and shallnot prevent the said asylum from taking and holding any estate, real or personal, given or devised to it, not exceeding in value five hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That the property held by the said asylum shall never exceed Prvviw flve hundred thousand dollars in value. _ Sec. 2. That any person donating the sum of ten dollars to the asy- S“bS°*"b°”· lum hereby incorporated shall be deemed a. subscriber and stockholder. Sec. 3. _That the fund of said institution shall be fifty thousand dol- Fund. ·lars, but may beiucreused to three hundred thousand dollars at any time the board of directors may think it compatible with the best interest of said asylum, and shall be deemed personal property. Sec. 4. That all the affairs and concerns of said asylum shall be man- Trustees. aged by, and conducted under, the direction of twenty-ive trustees, who shall be subscribers and citizens of the United States of America, and who shall be elected by the subscribers, after the present year, annually, on the lirst Thursday in November of each year, by ballot, by a plurality of subscribers present or represented by proxy, each and every subscription of ten dollars having one vote; if for any cause such election shall not be so held, the said asylum shall not be deemed dissolved, but an election shall be held within twelve months thereafter; notice of time and place of such election shall be published for two weeks immediately preceding; the day appointed therefor in at least two newspapers of the District of Columbia. The said board of trustees, annually, lrom their own body, and as soon as maybe after their election, shall proceed to elect, by ballot, a. president and one treasurer President an u of said asylum, who, so long as they shall continue trustees of aid asy- *">”·¤¤”°*`- ‘ lum, shall hold their offices respectively during the pleasure of the board of trustees; and the said trustees shall have power to ull vacan- Vacancies in cies in their own body, caused by the death, resignation, removal, or b<>¤*d· otherwise, 0i' any trustee or trustees, and to make all by-laws, not incon- ]3y-1{.w¤_ sistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States, as they may