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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/56

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SO FORTY-FOURTH CQNGRESS. Sess. I. GH. 51, 52. 1876. eighteen hundred and sixty-six, shall be complied with so far as the same may be applicable, thereto; And provided farmer, That the. sum P¤YmenttoCher- to be paid to the Cherokees by the Pawnees for such quantity of the - °k°°S· land herein described as may be within the limits oi the Cherokee country west of the ninety-sixth meridian of west longitude shall not _ Elxceed sevinty lpents (per aclrgei prozglldedtzlsm Tlzatijthlegtppgtégmlp; r e reserva ion erein esori e< ying wi. in e erri o · _ _ 14 Stat., 785. United States by the third article olxhje Creeikftrelaty oiglgne TOUPDGSBUEII, eighteen hundred and sixtysix sha e pai or y said awneesa e rate of thirty cents per acre. ’ ‘ ” A-U<>*m<>¤*§_ to SEO. 5. That the Secretary of the Interior shall cause to be made to

‘;’;‘d“ °f f“""]"’s> each head of ai family-or single person over twenty-oing years of age

` belonging to said Pawnee tribe and residing upon said reserve w o shall so elect, an allotment within said reservation, of gnlehicilgidried and · sixty acres`of land, as near as may be to be governs y e ineso _ public survey; and upon the approval bf the Secretary of the Interior C¤P¤6<=¤*°¤· of such allotments, certihcates shall be issued therefor byutlie Commis- ~ sioner of Indian Affairs: Provided That whenever it sha · e made to appear to the satisfaction of the,Secretary of the Interior that any allottee has occupied and cultivated any portion of his or her allotment for the period_of five successive years, and has at least twenty-hve acres of the same fenced and in crop, such allottee shall be entitled to receive 1%,,,,,,,,,, when a patent for his or her allotment,_with, the condition that the same shall issued, anctcondi- not be aliencd or conveyed within fifteen years from the date thereof, ’¤¤<>¤¤ 0F" and then only with the consent of the Secretary of the Interior and under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe. Approved, April 10, 1876. V Ap,-il 10, 1g7g_ Y CHAP. 52.-—An act to incorporate the Georgetown and Tennallytown Railroad Com- —;—;———— P°#¤Y· . _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Urlited Corporators. States of America in Congress assembled, That Richard W. Carter, Major A. Nicholson B. K. Swart A. P. Fardon Lewis D. Means Isaiah Shoe- _ maker, Joseph \Veaver, Mhrris Addler, jacob H. Kengla,’John T. Varnell, James Hoffman, Samuel D. Linn, Philip Brooke, Charles Becker, Josiah Dent, and their associates and assigns, are created a body cor- . Name. porate under the name of the Georgetown and Tennallytown Railroad company, with authority to construct and lay down a single railway- · track, with the necessary switches, and turn-outs, in the city of George- R,,,,t,,_ town and. the county of Washington, in the District of Columbia, commencing at the corner of High and Bridge streets Georgetown along High street to Fourth street, along Fourth street to Fayette streed, along Fayette street to High street, and to its intersection with the Georgetown and Rockville turnpike road and along said road to Tennallytown E,m,,,,,,,,,,_ with the privilege of extending the said railroad from Tennallytowii _ (along the public road leading to Rockville) as far as the northern Track boundary line of the District of Columbia. The track shall be laid in ’ the best manner, to be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and shall be laid on the west side of the turnpike road leading from Georgetown to Tennallytown, so as not to interlere with the centre, or travel, H of saidroad usetd] by th;} gurnpike cphmpanyl, gvith this) right to run puborse-power. ic carriages on e roar ere y au orize rawn y orse-power re- FMBS ceivigg therefor a rate of fare not exceeding? ten cents per passenger? for ' any istance between the termini, of said railroad. Road to be real Sec. 2. That the said road shall be deemed real estate, and, together ’ 68;**6- t_ witii me other real estate and personal property of said company, shall em ¤>¤· be ia le to taxation. · · Grade- repairs, Sec. 3. That the said company shall conform to the grade of the ’ streets and roads in laying rails thereon; and the said company shall keeps its track well paved and in good repair. Nothing in this act shall