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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/57

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. On. 52, 53. 1876. 31 prevent the Government or other competent authority from at any time altering the grade, or otherwise improving all streets and roads occupied Ch“$° °fg’“d°· by said_ railway ;` and, in such event, it shall be the duty of said company to change said railway so as to conform to such grade and pavement. Sec. 4. That each of the stockholders in the said railway company tLL;·%1’*Y °f · shall be liable individually for all the debts and liabilities of the said S °° ° m' gomlpany to an amount equal to the value of stock held by such stocko er. .· Sec. 5. That the said railroad company shall, by the nfteenth of Jan- Annual reportuary, after the completion of said road, and annually on or before that - day thereafter, transmit to Congress a full report of the affairs, business and condition of the said company for the year terminating December thirty-first preceding such report; and such report shall be signed and sworn to by the President and the treasurer of the company, and by a majority of the directors. _ - Sec. 6. That all articles of value that may be inadvertently left in Unclaimed goods any of the cars or or other vehicles of said company shall be taken to its 1*** in °°”· principal depot, and entered in a book of record of unclaimed goods, which book shall be open to the inspection of the public at all reasonable hours. . ' SEO. 7. That this act may be altered, amended, or repealed by the A¤*¤¤d¤¤°¤l* mul Congress of the United States at any time; and the said company is '°fS‘m;0fcummy not authorized to issue any note, token, device, or scrip, or other evi- notes. ctc_, f,,,i,mI dence of debt, to be used as a currency. · neil. _ Sec. 8. That the capital stock of said company shall be not less than C¤I>¤*¤l ¤'i°°k· twentyfive thousand dollars nor more than fifty thousand dollars, and shall be divided into shares of twenty-nve, dollars each, and shall be deemed personal property, transferable in such manner as the by-laws of said company may direct. V Sec. 9. That the company shall place nrstclass cars on said railway P=¤»S¤¤¤s¤¤‘·¤=¤`¤· for the convenience and comfort of passengers, and shall run cars thereon Trips. ’ as often as every thirty minutes during the day ; and the company shall procure such ticket-offices, stables, and depot’s at such points as the busi- ofli<>¤¤. smb1w. ness of the railroad and the convenience of the public may require; &°· and the said company is hereby authorized to purchase or lease such piiicnassorletine lands or buildings as may be necessary for the ticket-offices, stables, and of 1=»¤d¤· depots abovementioned. ‘ SEO. 10. That the stockholders of the said company shall annually Board of climcfelect seven directors, who shall have inll power to make and prescribe °”· such by-laws, rules, and regulations, and create such offices, as they By—1¤WS· _ shall deem needful and proper, touching the disposition and manugei ment of the stock, property, estate, and effects of the company, not contrary to the charter or to the laws of the United States, and the ordi· N d. t. t. nances or the District or Columbia , and there shall be no regulation m$mj§g;‘_j03‘Qj;_°“ excluding any person from a_ny car on account of color. SEO. 11. That the incorporators of said road shall, withill thirty days ofz¤¤i¤Mi¤¤¤- after the passage of this act, meet and organize and open books of subscription, at some place made known by advertisement in at least one daily paper published in the District of Columbia, to the capital stock _ of said company; and the said company shall organize and complete ,TLl“’° fg}`, °°'“‘ the line of said road within one year from the passage of this act, oth- P ° mg ro ' erwise no right shall be acquired under this act. Approved, April 10, 1876. CHAP. 53Z·—An act donating the military road running from Astoria, Oregon, to AP¥'i1U»l876· Salem, in that State, to the several counties through which it passes. ""‘_"""_"` B0 it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ _ _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the military road from- f M‘h*"‘g t_;°"°,‘; Astoria to Salem, in the State of Oregon, constructed under the follow- Sr,;?;,, C,,.;;,,,}: a,,- lllg acts of C0llgI‘€SS, tg) Will, acts &pp1`0V€d F€l)I'll3l‘y SCV€l1t€GIll)ll, Bight- natedyto C(>lllllil('S.