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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/257

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Officers on duty shall be in uniform.
are required to appear in full uniform when on duty, and on failure, shall forfeit and pay five dollars for each offence, to be assessed and appropriated as other fines imposed by this act.

Brigade inspector.Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That a brigade inspector, to act as brigade major, and be commissioned with the rank of major, shall be appointed by the President of the United States; and the lieutenant-colonel commandants are hereby authorized to appoint a legionary staff,Legionary staff. to consist of one adjutant, one quartermaster, one paymaster, to be taken from the officers of the line, and one surgeon, one surgeon’s mate, and also, one sergeant major, one quartermaster’s sergeant, one drum major, and one fife major, which appointments shall be evidenced by warrants under the hand of the lieutenant-colonel commandant, and it shall be the duty of the brigade inspector,Duties of brigade inspector. to attend the brigadier-general when required to receive and execute all orders necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this law, and to attend the annual training of the officers, and at the several legionary and battalion musters, and he shall inspect the several battalions belonging to his brigade, to their respective musters, and he shall take an accurate account, from personal inspection, of the quality of the arms and accoutrements, and whether the same are fit or unfit for service, and shall ascertain with precision the bores of muskets; and shall make annual returns in the month of June, of each year, of the state of the militia of the brigade to which he belongs, to the commanding officer of the brigade, to be by him reported to the President of the United States, and upon refusal or neglect, he shall be subject to a fine of thirty dollars,Penalty on neglect of duty.
Adjutant, his duty.
unless he can make a reasonable excuse to the commanding officer of the brigade. And it shall be the duty of the adjutant to attend and execute the orders of the commanding officer of his legion, necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this law, and to attend the legionary and battalion musters, as also the meeting of the officers within his legion, and upon refusal or neglect, he shall be subject to a fine not exceeding fifteen dollars,Penalty on neglect. nor less than five dollars, at the discretion of the legionary court of inquiry, unless he can make a reasonable excuse to the commanding officer of his legion; and it shall further be the duty of the adjutant to assist generally in the necessary training of the militia, and he, together with the brigade inspector, shall be allowed such compensation as the legionary courts of inquiry may, from time to time, think reasonable, to be paid out o the fund arising from fines.

Delinquencies, forfeitures and penalties on.
Commanders of corps.
Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That the following forfeitures and penalties shall be incurred for delinquencies, viz. By a lieutenant-colonel commandant, or commanding officer of a legion, for failing to take an oath to summon any court or board, or failing to give notice of a brigade, legionary or battalion muster; to report delinquencies, to make returns of his legion, shall for each and every such offence or neglect, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding seventy dollars; for failing to send into service any militia legally called for, three hundred dollars. By a major,Major’s neglect. for failing to take an oath, to attend any court or board, to give notice of any brigade, legionary, or battalion muster, to examine his battalion, to report delinquencies, or to make any return, he shall forfeit and pay for each offence and neglect, a sum not exceeding thirty dollars; and pay for each offence and neglect, a sum not exceeding thirty dollars; for failing to call forth his battalion with due despatch, any detachment of men or officers as shall be required from time to time by the commanding officer of his legion, or any call from the President of the United States, one hundred and fifty dollars.Captain’s neglect. By a captain failing to take an oath, to attend any court, to enrol his men, to give notice of a brigade, legionary, or battalion muster, to attend any muster armed to cause his roll to be called, examine his company and report delinquencies, or to allot his company into divisions, from one to ten, for a regular routine of duty, or to make any return as directed by this act, he