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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/258

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shall forfeit and pay for each and every offence and neglect, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars; failing to call forth such officers and men, as shall from time to time be legally called from his company, upon any call from the President of the United States, or failing on such occasions to repair to the place of rendezvous, he shall forfeit and pay seventy-five dollars.Subaltern’s neglect. By a subaltern officer, for failing to take an oath, to attend any court or muster, armed as directed, for each and every such offence he shall forfeit and pay a sum, at the discretion of the court of inquiry, not exceeding ten dollars; failing to repair to the place of rendezvous, armed as required, when ordered upon any call from the President, he shall forfeit and pay fifty dollars, to be adjudged of and determined by the respective legionary courts of inquiry.Non-commissioned officer’s neglect. By a non-commissioned officer or soldier, for failing to repair to his rendezvous when ordered upon any call from the President, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, to be adjudged of and determined by the respective battalion courts of inquiry, and moreover shall be enrolled in the class destined to perform the next tour of duty: all officers failing as before mentioned,Penalties. shall be subject to be arrested, tried, censured, or cashiered, at the discretion of the battalion courts of inquiry. Any non-commissioned officer or soldier failing to attend at his brigade, legionary, battalion, or company muster, armed and equipped as the law directs, shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than seventy-five cents, nor more than five dollars, at the discretion of the battalion courts of inquiry. If any non-commissioned officer or private shall be returned as a delinquent in not appearing, armed and accoutred as the law directs, the court of inquiry before whom the same shall be tried, may, if it appear reasonable, remit the fine incurred by him, provided every such delinquent shall make it appear that he was unable to procure the legal equipment. Any private at or near the muster ground at any legionary, battalion, or company muster, who shall refuse or neglect to go into the ranks when required, shall forfeit and pay ten dollars.

Fines of persons under age, how paid.Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That the fines and penalties incurred by infants and apprentices, for the breach or neglect of their duty, in any particular service, by law required of them, shall be paid by the parent, guardian or master.

Legionary court of inquiry to appoint a collector, and when.Sec. 22. And be it further enacted, That the legionary court of inquiry shall, at their first meeting in each year, appoint by ballot, a collector, who shall proceed to collect all fines assessed by virtue of this act, as also, all fines incurred, under the act of Congress, at their last session, empowering the President to organize the militia of the district of Columbia, not previously sent out for collection, upon a list thereof, certified by the clerk of the court of inquiry, and delivered to him in sixteen days after each legionary court of inquiry,Allowance of six per cent. who shall give his receipt therefor, and having deducted a commission of six per centum, shall account for, and pay the residue into the hands of the paymaster, in three months thereafter, and in case of default, to be recovered against the collector, by motion,Collector a defaulter, to be sued, and how. in any court of record within said district, ten days notice of such motion being given to the collector, at the first legionary or regimental court of inquiry, after the time before limited, for accounting and paying to the paymaster as aforesaid, the fines collected by the collector, he shall make return, and report to said court of inquiry, of such fines as cannot be collected, by reason of the insolvency or want of effects of the delinquent or delinquents; and if the said collector shall fail to account for, and pay into the hands of the paymaster as aforesaid, in the time limited as aforesaid, all the residue of the fines by him collected as aforesaid, the whole amount of such fines, including his commission, shall be recovered against him, by motion, in any court of record within this district, ten days previous notice of such motion being given to said collector, and if such collector shall