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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/369

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the other members of the said corporation, (except the mayor,) shall compose the said second branch, called the board of common councilmen, and be and continue such, until the time aforesaid, and shall choose out of their own body a president, to be and continue such until the time aforesaid; and when thus organized, said corporation shall have, exercise, and possess, all the powers and rights now vested in the said corporation, and to be herein and hereby vested in them.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the present mayor of the corporation of Georgetown, shall be, and continue such, until the first Monday of January next.

An election to be held.
Qualifications of the voters.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That on the fourth Monday of February next, the free white male citizens of Georgetown, of full age, and having resided within the town aforesaid, twelve months previously, and having paid tax to the corporation, shall assemble at a place to be appointed, as hereafter directed, and then and there shall proceed to elect, by ballot, five fit and proper persons,For the board of aldermen, and of that of the common council-men. citizens of the United States, and residents of the said town, one whole year next before the said day of election, above twenty-one years of age, and having paid a tax to said corporation, to compose the said board of aldermen; and shall also, at the same time, proceed as aforesaid, to elect eleven fit and proper persons, having the qualifications last aforesaid, to compose the said board of common council;Term of the service of the members of each Board.
Mayor, &c. to be judges of the elections.
the said board of aldermen to continue two years, and the said board of common council to continue one year: and the said mayor, together with such other fit persons as shall be named and appointed by the said corporation, shall be judges of the election, and the five persons voted for as aldermen, who shall have the greatest number of legal votes, on the final casting up of the polls, shall be declared duly elected for the board of aldermen:Annual and biennial elections for the aldermen and common council-men, to be held. and the eleven persons voted for as common council, who shall have the greatest number of legal votes upon the final casting up of the polls, shall be declared duly elected for the board of common council; and that the like election for aldermen be held on the fourth Monday in February, every two years thereafter; and for the said common council, on the said fourth Monday in February, annually, for ever thereafter.

Two branches, by joint votes, to make annual appointments of a mayor and recorder.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That on the first Monday of January next, and on the same day, annually, for ever thereafter, the said corporation shall, by a joint ballot of the said two branches present, choose some fit and proper person to be mayor of the said corporation, and some fit and proper person, learned in the law, to be the recorder of the said corporation, to continue in office one year.

Oaths of office, &c.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said mayor, before he acts as such, and the said recorder, before he acts as such, shall, respectively, make oath, before some justice of the peace, for the county of Washington aforesaid, in the presence of both branches of the said corporation, that he will well and faithfully discharge the several and respective duties of his office; and that each member of the said two branches shall, before he acts as such, in the presence of the corporation, take an oath to discharge the duties and trust reposed in him, with integrity and fidelity.

Quorums for doing business.
Semi-annual sessions to be held.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That four members of the board of aldermen, and seven members of the board of common council, shall form a quorum to do business: the said corporation shall hold two sessions in each year; one to commence on the first Monday in March, and the other on the first Monday in December, with power to adjourn from day to day, to be held at such place as the mayor may designate, not otherwise provided for by ordinance:Proviso. Provided always, that the mayor shall have power, on urgent occasions, to convene said corporation, on application of at least five members, in writing, giving reasonable notice of such intended meeting.