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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/370

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The two branches to be judges of the elections and returns of their own members, &c.
Ordinances may originate in either branch, but must be approved by the mayor to become laws; if approved of to be signed by him. If disapproved of, to be returned with his objections in writing, &c. upon a reconsideration, on a majority of two thirds, to become laws.
Clerk of the corporation to record the laws and resolutions and to have them published.
Recorder to have a casting vote.
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That each of the said branches shall judge of the elections, qualifications and returns of its own members, and may compel the attendance of the members of each branch by reasonable penalties: and either branch shall have power to appoint their president, pro tempore, in case of the absence of the one duly chosen, as aforesaid. Any ordinance may originate in either branch, and no ordinance shall be passed, but by a majority of both branches, nor unless it shall pass both branches during the same session, and be approved of by the mayor, who shall sign the same, unless he objects thereto, within forty-eight hours from the time the same is presented to him for signature; if he does so object, he shall immediately return the same to the said corporation, with his objections, in writing, and if on reconsideration, two thirds of each branch of the corporation shall be of opinion that the said law ought to be passed, it shall, notwithstanding the objections of the mayor, become a law; and he shall sign the same; if the said mayor shall not return his objections to the same, to the said corporation, within the time aforesaid, it shall become a law, and shall be signed by him; the clerk of the corporation shall record in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, all the laws and resolutions which shall be passed as aforesaid, and deliver a copy of them to the public printer, to be printed by him for the use of the people.

Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That in case the aldermen composing the first branch shall, at any time, on any question before them, be equally divided, the recorder shall have the casting vote, and determine such question to the same effect as if the same had been determined by a majority of the aldermen present;Same power given to the President of the 2nd branch. and similar power is hereby given to the president of the second branch in case of an equal division in that body.

Mayor to see that the laws be executed, &c. &c.
Delinquents may be removed from office by the corporation.
Mayor to lay before the corporation, in writing, such alterations in the laws, as he may deem necessary; to exercise the powers of a justice of the peace, and to receive an annual compensation.
Qualifications of the Mayor.
Vacancies in either branch, how to be supplied.
Corporation to fill the vacancies in the offices of mayor and recorder.
Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the mayor to see that the laws of the corporation be duly executed, and to report the negligence or misconduct of any officer to the said corporation, who on satisfactory proof thereof, may remove from office the said delinquent, or take such other measures thereupon as shall be just and lawful; he shall lay before the said corporation, from time to time, in writing, such alterations in the laws of the said corporation as he shall deem necessary and proper; he shall have and exercise the powers of a justice of the peace in the said town, and shall receive for his services, annually, a just and reasonable compensation, to be allowed and fixed by the said corporation; no person shall be eligible to the said office of mayor unless a citizen of the United States, of the age of thirty years, a resident of the said town for five years then last past, and unless he shall have paid a tax to said corporation.

Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That in case of a vacancy in either branch of the said corporation, by death, removal, or otherwise, of either of the members, a fit person or persons qualified, as aforesaid, shall be elected by the people, in the manner aforesaid, to fill such vacancy immediately thereafter; the mayor giving however at least five days’ notice of such election: and in case of the vacancy of the mayor or recorder, the said corporation shall, within five days thereafter, as herein before directed, proceed to the choice of a fit person or persons, qualified, as aforesaid, to fill his or their place.

Specific powers of the corporation.Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall have power to impose a tax, not exceeding in any one year, fifty cents in the hundred dollars, on all property within the said town; and the sessions of the said corporation shall be held as heretofore, until the said second Monday in March current; and the said corporation shall have, possess and enjoy, all the rights, immunities, privileges and powers heretofore enjoyed by them; and shall be called by the same name as heretofore, and shall have perpetual succession; and in addition thereto,