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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/419

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shall be located on lands to which the Indian title has been extinguished, and subject to the disposition of the legislature of the state, but shall not be granted or sold for less than two dollars per acre, and the proceeds of the sales of lands aforesaid, shall be vested in funds for the respective uses aforesaid, for ever. And the state of Tennessee shall moreover, in issuing grants and perfecting titles, locate six hundred and forty acres to every six miles square in the territory hereby ceded, where existing claims will allow the same, which shall be appropriated for the use of schools for the instruction of children for ever:Nothing in this act to affect the Indian title.
Prices of the land.
Provided, that nothing contained in this act shall be construed to affect the Indian title, or to subject the United States to the expense of extinguishing the same. And provided also, that the lowest price of all lands granted or sold within the ceded territory, shall be the same, as shall be established by Congress for the lands of the United States: And provided nevertheless, that the people residing in said state, south of French Broad and Holston, and west of Big Pigeon rivers, provided for by the constitution of the state of Tennessee, shall be secured in their respective rights of occupancy and pre-emption, and shall receive titles for such quantities as they may respectively claim, including their improvements, not exceeding six hundred and forty acres each, nor exceeding the quantities they have heretofore claimed respectively, according to their conditional lines, where such have been established, at a price not less than one dollar per acre.Proviso, that this act shall not affect titles under the laws of North Carolina and Tennessee. And provided further, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to enable any person or persons, until authorized by the legislature of the state of Tennessee, to locate any warrant issued under the authority of the state of Tennessee, to locate any warrant issued under the authority of the state of North Carolina, within the limits of the lands reserved to the Cherokee Indians by the fifth section of the act of said state, intituled “An act for opening the land-office for the redemption of specie and other certificates, and discharging the arrears due to the army,” passed in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.

If the territory hereby ceded to the state of Tennessee falls short, the deficiency to be made up elsewhere.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That if the territory herein before ceded to the state of Tennessee, shall not contain a sufficient quantity of land fit for cultivation, according to the true intent and meaning of the original act of cession, including the lands within the limits reserved by the state of North Carolina, to the Cherokee Indians, to perfect all existing legal claims charged thereon by the conditions contained in this act of cession, Congress will hereafter provide by law for perfecting such as cannot be located in the territory aforesaid, out of the lands lying west or south of the before described line.

Approved, April 18, 1806.

Statute Ⅰ.

April 18, 1806.

Chap. XXXII.An Act authorizing a detachment from the Militia of the United States.

President authorized to call upon the executives of the several states to have their proportions of militia ready for immediate service.
Apportionment how to be made.
1808, ch. 39.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby authorized, at such time as he shall deem necessary, to require of the executives of the several states, to take effectual measures to organize, arm and equip, according to law, and hold in readiness to march at a moment’s warning, their respective proportions of one hundred thousand militia, officers included; to be apportioned by the President of the United States, by the militia returns of the last year, in cases where such returns were made, and in cases where such returns were not made the last year, by such other data as he shall judge equitable.

President may authorize the acceptance of volunteer corps.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President may, if he shall judge it expedient, authorize the executives of the several states, to accept, as part of the said detachment, any corps of volunteers, who shall