United States Statutes at Large/Volume 2/9th Congress
1st Session
[edit]Public Laws
of the
Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the seventeenth day of December, 1805, and ended on the twenty-first day of April, 1806.
Thomas Jefferson, President; George Clinton, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate; Samuel Smith, President of the Senate pro tempore, on the 11th of December, 1805, and from the 28th of March, 1806; Nathaniel Macon, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Chapter | Title | Date | |
1 | Chapter I. | An Act making an additional appropriation for the Naval service, during the year one thousand eight hundred and five. | Dec. 11, 1805 |
2 | Chapter II. | An Act supplementary to the “Act making provision for the payment of claims of citizens of the United States on the government of France, the payment of which has been assumed by the United States, by virtue of the convention of the thirtieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and three, between the United States and the French Republic.” | Dec. 31, 1805 |
3 | Chapter III. | An Act making an additional appropriation to supply the deficiency in the appropriation for the naval service, during the year one thousand eight hundred and five. | Jan. 22, 1806 |
4 | Chapter IV. | An Act to provide for Lighthouses in Long Island sound; and to declare Roxbury, in the state of Massachusetts, to be a port of delivery. | Jan. 22, 1806 |
5 | Chapter V. | An Act making provision for defraying any extraordinary expenses attending the intercourse between the United States and foreign nations. | Feb. 13, 1806 |
6 | Chapter VI. | An Act making a further appropriation for the support of a Library. | Feb. 21, 1806 |
7 | Chapter VII. | An Act to repeal in part, the fourth section of an act, intituled “An act to authorize a grant of lands to the French inhabitants of Galliopolis, and for other purposes therein mentioned.” | Feb. 21, 1806 |
8 | Chapter VIII. | An Act for the relief of the Governor, Secretary, and Judges of the late territory of the United States, northwest of the river Ohio. | Feb. 21, 1806 |
9 | Chapter IX. | An Act to suspend the commercial intercourse between the United States, and certain parts of the island of St. Domingo. | Feb. 28, 1806 |
10 | Chapter X. | An Act authorizing the sale of a tract of land, in the town of Cincinnati, and state of Ohio. | Feb. 28, 1806 |
11 | Chapter XI. | An Act extending the powers of the Surveyor-general to the territory of Louisiana; and for other purposes. | Feb. 28, 1806 |
12 | Chapter XII. | An Act declaring the consent of Congress to an act of the state of Pennsylvania, intituled “An act to empower the board of wardens, for the port of Philadelphia, to collect a certain duty on tonnage, for the purposes therein mentioned.” | Feb. 28, 1806 |
13 | Chapter XIII. | An Act for altering the time for holding the circuit court, in the district of North Carolina; and for abolishing the July term of the Kentucky district court. | Feb. 28, 1806 |
14 | Chapter XIV. | An Act to extend jurisdiction in certain cases to state judges and state courts. | March 8, 1806 |
15 | Chapter XV. | An Act declaring the town of Jersey, in the state of New Jersey, to be a port of delivery; and for erecting a Lighthouse on Wood Island, or Fletcher’s neck, in the state of Massachusetts. | March 8, 1806 |
16 | Chapter XVI. | An Act to incorporate the trustees of the Presbyterian congregation of Georgetown. | March 28, 1806 |
17 | Chapter XVII. | An Act declaring the consent of Congress to an act of the state of South Carolina, passed on the twenty-first day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and four, so far as the same relates to authorizing the city council of Charleston to impose and collect a duty on the tonnage of vessels from foreign ports. | March 28, 1806 |
18 | Chapter XVIII. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | March 28, 1806 |
19 | Chapter XIX. | An Act to regulate the laying out and making a road from Cumberland, in the state of Maryland, to the state of Ohio. | March 29, 1806 |
20 | Chapter XX. | An Act for establishing Rules and Articles for the government of the Armies of the United States. | April 10, 1806 |
21 | Chapter XXI. | An Act relating to bonds given by Marshals. | April 10, 1806 |
22 | Chapter XXII. | An Act regulating the currency of foreign coins in the United States. | April 10, 1806 |
23 | Chapter XXIII. | An Act to regulate and fix the compensations of the officers of the Senate and House of Representatives. | April 10, 1806 |
24 | Chapter XXIV. | An Act directing the Secretary of the Treasury to cause the coast of North Carolina, between Cape Hatteras and Cape Fear, to be surveyed. | April 10, 1806 |
25 | Chapter XXV. | An Act to provide for persons who were disabled by known wounds received in the Revolutionary war. | April 10, 1806 |
26 | Chapter XXVI. | An Act to authorize the Secretary of War to issue land warrants; and for other purposes. | April 15, 1806 |
27 | Chapter XXVII. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | April 15, 1806 |
28 | Chapter XXVIII. | An Act to suspend the sale of certain lands in the state of Ohio, and the Indiana territory. | April 15, 1806 |
29 | Chapter XXIX. | An Act to prohibit the importation of certain goods, wares and merchandise. | April 18, 1806 |
30 | Chapter XXX. | An Act supplementary to the act making provision for the payment of claims of citizens of the United States on the government of France. | April 18, 1806 |
31 | Chapter XXXI. | An Act to authorize the state of Tennessee to issue grants and perfect titles to certain lands therein described, and to settle the claims to the vacant and unappropriated lands within the same. | April 18, 1806 |
32 | Chapter XXXII. | An Act authorizing a detachment from the Militia of the United States. | April 18, 1806 |
33 | Chapter XXXIII. | An Act making appropriations for the support of Government for the year one thousand eight hundred and six. | April 18, 1806 |
34 | Chapter XXXIV. | An Act making provision for the compensation of witnesses who attended the trial of the impeachment of Samuel Chase. | April 21, 1806 |
35 | Chapter XXXV. | An Act in addition to an act, intituled “An act supplementary to the act providing for a naval peace establishment, and for other purposes.” | April 21, 1806 |
36 | Chapter XXXVI. | An Act for the regulation of the times of holding the courts of the district of Columbia, and for other purposes. | April 21, 1806 |
37 | Chapter XXXVII. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | April 21, 1806 |
38 | Chapter XXXVIII. | An Act continuing in force for a further time, the first section of the act intituled “An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States against the Barbary powers.” | April 21, 1806 |
39 | Chapter XXXIX. | An Act supplementary to an act intituled “An act for ascertaining and adjusting the titles and claims to land, within the territory of Orleans, and the district of Louisiana.” | April 21, 1806 |
40 | Chapter XL. | An Act respecting the claims to land in the Indiana territory and state of Ohio. | April 21, 1806 |
41 | Chapter XLI. | An Act to regulate and fix the compensation of clerks, and to authorize the laying out certain public roads; and for other purposes. | April 21, 1806 |
42 | Chapter XLII. | An Act making appropriations for the support of the Navy of the United States, during the year one thousand eight hundred and six. | April 21, 1806 |
43 | Chapter XLIII. | An Act to provide for the adjustment of titles of land in the town of Detroit and territory of Michigan, and for other purposes. | April 21, 1806 |
44 | Chapter XLIV. | An Act making a further appropriation towards completing the south wing of the Capitol, at the city of Washington. | April 21, 1806 |
45 | Chapter XLV. | An Act to amend, in the cases therein mentioned, the “Act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnage.” | April 21, 1806 |
46 | Chapter XLVI. | An Act in addition to an act, intituled “An act regulating the grants of land and providing for the disposal of the lands of the United States, south of the state of Tennessee.” | April 21, 1806 |
47 | Chapter XLVII. | An Act for fortifying the ports and harbors of the United States, and for building Gun Boats. | April 21, 1806 |
48 | Chapter XLVIII. | An Act for establishing trading houses with the Indian tribes. | April 21, 1806 |
49 | Chapter XLIX. | An Act for the punishment of counterfeiting the current coin of the United States; and for other purposes. | April 21, 1806 |
50 | Chapter L. | An Act to repeal so much of any act or acts as authorize the receipt of evidences of the public debt, in payment for lands of the United States; and for other purposes, relative to the public debt. | April 18, 1806 |
51 | Chapter LI. | An Act for erecting certain Lighthouses in the state of Massachusetts; for building a beacon, or pier, at Bridgeport, in the state of Connecticut; and for fixing buoys in Pamptico sound, in the state of North Carolina. | April 21, 1806 |
52 | Chapter LII. | An Act supplementary to the act intituled “An act to extend jurisdiction in certain cases to the territorial courts.” | April 18, 1806 |
53 | Chapter LIII. | An Act making appropriations for carrying into effect certain Indian treaties. | April 21, 1806 |
54 | Chapter LIV. | An Act making appropriations for the support of the Military establishment of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and six. | April 18, 1806 |
55 | Chapter LV. | An Act further to alter and establish certain Post Roads; and for other purposes. | April 21, 1806 |
Public Resolution
[edit]Resolution | Date |
Resolution 1. | April 10, 1806 |
2nd Session
[edit]Public Laws
of the
Passed at the second session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the first day of December, 1806, and ended on the third day of March, 1807.
Thomas Jefferson, President; George Clinton, Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate; Samuel Smith, President of the Senate pro tempore, on the 3d of March, 1807; Nathaniel Macon, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Chapter | Title | Date | |
1 | Chapter I. | An Act to suspend the operation of an act, intituled “An act to prohibit the importation of certain goods, wares and merchandise,” and to remit the penalties incurred under the same. | Dec. 19, 1806 |
2 | Chapter II. | An Act making appropriations for the support of the Navy of the United States, during the year one thousand eight hundred and seven. | Jan. 7, 1807 |
3 | Chapter III. | An Act making appropriations for the support of the Military establishment of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and seven. | Jan. 10, 1807 |
4 | Chapter IV. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | Jan. 17, 1807 |
5 | Chapter V. | An Act to alter the time of holding the circuit and district courts in the district of North Carolina. | Feb. 4, 1807 |
6 | Chapter VI. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | Feb. 6, 1807 |
7 | Chapter VII. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | Feb. 10, 1807 |
8 | Chapter VIII. | An Act to provide for surveying the coasts of the United States. | Feb. 10, 1807 |
9 | Chapter IX. | An Act authorizing the erection of certain Lighthouses, and the fixing of stakes, buoys and beacons, at certain places therein named. | Feb. 10, 1807 |
10 | Chapter X. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | Feb. 10, 1807 |
11 | Chapter XI. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | Feb. 10, 1807 |
12 | Chapter XII. | An Act supplementary to the act, intituled “An act making provision for the redemption of the whole of the public debt of the United States.” | Feb. 11, 1807 |
13 | Chapter XIII. | An Act to extend the power of granting writs of injunctions to the judges of the district courts of the United States. | Feb. 13, 1807 |
14 | Chapter XIV. | An Act to annex certain shores and waters to the district of Mississippi; and to authorize the building a custom-house at New Orleans. | Feb. 13, 1807 |
15 | Chapter XV. | An Act authorizing the President of the United States to accept the service of a number of volunteer companies, not exceeding thirty thousand men. | Feb. 24, 1807 |
16 | Chapter XVI. | An Act establishing Circuit Courts, and abridging the jurisdiction of the district courts in the districts of Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio. | Feb. 24, 1807 |
17 | Chapter XVII. | An Act to continue in force for a further time, an act intituled “An act to suspend the commercial intercourse between the United States and certain parts of the island of St. Domingo.” | Feb. 24, 1807 |
18 | Chapter XVIII. | An Act further supplementary to the act, intituled “An act concerning the District of Columbia.” | Feb. 24, 1807 |
19 | Chapter XIX. | An Act respecting seizures made under the authority of the United States, and for other purposes. | Feb. 24, 1807 |
20 | Chapter XX. | An Act to punish frauds committed on the Bank of the United States. | Feb. 24, 1807 |
21 | Chapter XXI. | An Act to extend the time for locating Virginia military [land] warrants, for returning surveys thereon to the office of the Secretary of the department of War, and appropriating lands for the use of schools, in the Virginia military reservation, in lieu of those heretofore appropriated. | March 2, 1807 |
22 | Chapter XXII. | An Act to prohibit the importation of Slaves into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States, from and after the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight. | March 2, 1807 |
23 | Chapter XXIII. | An Act to reduce the expenses attending the administration of justice in the district of Columbia. | March 3, 1807 |
24 | Chapter XXIV. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | March 3, 1807 |
25 | Chapter XXV. | An Act allowing an additional compensation to the judges of the Mississippi, Indiana, Michigan and Louisiana Territories. | March 3, 1807 |
26 | Chapter XXVI. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | March 3, 1807 |
27 | Chapter XXVII. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | March 3, 1807 |
28 | Chapter XXVIII. | An Act making appropriations for finishing the south wing of the Capitol, and for other purposes. | March 3, 1807 |
29 | Chapter XXIX. | An Act making appropriations for the support of Government during the year one thousand eight hundred and seven. | March 3, 1807 |
30 | Chapter XXX. | An Act repealing the acts laying duties on salt, and continuing in force, for a further time, the first section of the act, intituled “An Act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States, against the Barbary powers.” | March 3, 1807 |
31 | Chapter XXXI. | An Act authorizing patents to issue for lands located and surveyed by virtue of certain Virginia resolution warrants. | March 3, 1807 |
32 | Chapter XXXII. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | March 3, 1807 |
33 | Chapter XXXIII. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | March 3, 1807 |
34 | Chapter XXXIV. | An Act regulating the grants of land in the territory of Michigan. | March 3, 1807 |
35 | Chapter XXXV. | An Act making appropriations for carrying into effect a treaty between the United States and the Chickasaw tribe of Indians; and to establish a land-office in the Mississippi territory. | March 3, 1807 |
36 | Chapter XXXVI. | An Act respecting claims to land in the territories of Orleans and Louisiana. | March 3, 1807 |
37 | Chapter XXXVII. | An Act making further appropriations for fortifying the ports and harbors of the United States. | March 3, 1807 |
38 | Chapter XXXVIII. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | March 3, 1807 |
39 | Chapter XXXIX. | An Act authorizing the employment of the land and naval forces of the United States, in cases of insurrections. | March 3, 1807 |
40 | Chapter XL. | An Act in addition to an act intituled “An act in addition to an act entituled An act supplementary to the act providing for a naval peace establishment, and for other purposes.” | March 3, 1807 |
41 | Chapter XLI. | An Act making appropriations for carrying into effect certain treaties with the Cherokee and Piankeshaw tribes of Indians. | March 3, 1807 |
42 | Chapter XLII. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | March 3, 1807 |
43 | Chapter XLIII. | An Act to establish certain Post Roads; and for other purposes. | March 3, 1807 |
44 | Chapter XLIV. | An Act disapproving of an act passed by the governor and judges of the territory of Michigan, intituled “An act concerning the Bank of Detroit.” | March 3, 1807 |
45 | Chapter XLV. | An Act making compensation for extra services, to the governor, judges and secretary of the Indiana territory. | March 3, 1807 |
46 | Chapter XLVI. | An Act to prevent settlements being made on lands ceded to the United States, until authorized by law. | March 3, 1807 |
47 | Chapter XLVII. | An Act confirming claims to land in the district of Vincennes; and for other purposes. | March 3, 1807 |
48 | Chapter XLVIII. | See Private Acts of the Ninth Congress in Volume 6. | March 3, 1807 |
49 | Chapter XLIX. | An Act making provision for the disposal of the public lands, situated between the United States military tract and the Connecticut reserve, and for other purposes. | March 3, 1807 |
Public Resolution
[edit]Resolution | Date |
Resolution 1. | March 2, 1807 |