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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/433

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commissioners of loans in Virginia and South Carolina, respectively, not exceeding two clerks, at the rate of five hundred dollars, each, annually: the aggregate of compensations for clerks employed by either of the said commissioners, to be apportionedAggregate compensations. among them at his discretion. And there shall be annually allowed in lieu of clerk hire, to the commissioner of loans in the state of New Hampshire, three hundred and fifty dollars: to the commissioner of loans in the state of Rhode Island, four hundred dollars: to the commissioner of loans in the state of New Jersey, three hundred dollars: and to the commissioner of loans in the state of Maryland, two hundred and fifty dollars.

When the compensations allowed by this act are to commence.
Heads of departments, &c. &c. to report to Congress the number and names of their clerks.
Secretary of the Treasury to report whether the business in the loan office of Pennsylvania requires additional allowance for clerk hire, &c. To report the necessity likewise of employing clerks on the business of the late commissioner of revenue’s office.
In case of the removal of any public office on account of sickness, the cost of such removal to be laid before Congress.
A road to be opened from the frontier of Georgia to New Orleans.
Limitation of expenditures.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the compensations allowed by this act to clerks, shall commence with the year one thousand eight hundred and seven; and it shall be the duty of the secretaries for the departments of state, treasury, war and navy, and of the Postmaster-General, and surveyor-general, and of the commissioners of loans in the several states, to report to Congress, at the beginning of each year, the names of the clerks they have employed, respectively, in the preceding year, and the sum given to each; and whether the business for clerks increases or diminishes in their respective departments, that Congress may be enabled to make further arrangements by law, respecting clerk hire. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury particularly to report, whether the business in the loan office of Pennsylvania shall, from year to year, continue to require the additional sum of two thousand dollars allowed by this act for clerk hire, in consequence of the removal of the treasury office from Philadelphia, in eighteen hundred, to the permanent seat of government; and likewise he shall report the necessity, if such shall continue, of employing clerks on the business belonging to the office of the late commissioner of the revenue.

Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That hereafter, in case of the removal of any public office, by reason of sickness, which may prevail in the town or city where such office is located, a particular account of the cost of such removal shall be laid before Congress, that they may be enabled to judge of the proper sum to be allowed for the same.

Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be, and he hereby is authorized to cause to be opened a road from the frontier of Georgia, on the route from Athens to New Orleans, till the same intersects the thirty-first degree of north latitude: Provided, he shall not expend more than six thousand four hundred dollars in opening the same. And to cause to be opened a road or roads through the territory lately ceded by the Indians to the United States, from the river Mississippi to the Ohio, and to the former Indian boundary line which was established by the treaty of Greenville: Provided, he shall not expend, in opening the same, more than six thousand dollars. And to cause to be opened a road from Nashville, in the state of Tennessee, to Natchez, in the Mississippi territory: Provided, he shall not expend more than six thousand dollars in opening the same.

Appropriation.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That to defray the expense authorized by this act beyond the appropriation for the support of government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and six, there is hereby appropriated a sum not exceeding twenty-eight thousand dollars, payable out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated.Repeal of a former act.
Act of March 2, 1799, ch. 40.
And that the act, intituled “An act to regulate and fix the compensation of clerks,” which passed on the second day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, shall, from and after the first day of January next, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

Approved, April 21, 1806.