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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/437

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the agent appointed in behalf of the United States for the said board shall be allowed an additional compensation of three hundred and fifty dollars for the whole of his services.Registers and receivers of public monies to have discretionary powers with regard to certain locations, &c. &c.
And the register and receiver of public monies, in each of the districts of the above-mentioned territory, shall, and they are hereby authorized, in their districts, respectively, and after the dissolution of the board of commissioners for their district, to regulate the location of any tract of land lying within such district, for which a certificate shall have been granted by the commissioners, whenever it shall appear that the location specified in such certificates, interfere with each other, or do not include the improvements, by virtue of which such certificates were granted: Provided, that the said register and receiver shall not be authorized to allow any location on land not improved and settled, in the manner provided by the former acts of Congress, regulating the grants of land in the above-mentioned territory; nor to allow, in any case, a greater quantity of land than had been allowed by the commissioners.

Register and receiver of the district east of Pearl river authorized to grant donation certificates in certain cases.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the register and receiver of the district, east of Pearl river, that the settlement and occupancy, by virtue of which a pre-emption certificate had been granted by the commissioners, had been made and taken place, prior to the 30th day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, they shall be authorized to grant to the party a donation certificate, in lieu of such pre-emption; and the patent shall issue as in other cases of donations:Proviso. Provided, that application shall be made for such an exchange, and evidence produced of the date of such settlement and occupancy, on or before the thirty-first day of December next.

Right of the United States in land near and adjoining to Natchez, vested in the corporation of that city.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the right of the United States, to all the land lying between the front street of the city of Natchez and the Mississippi river, and bounded on the north by north Fourth street, and the land granted to Stephen Minor, and on the south, by the lands annexed to the old fort, and those granted to William Barland, be, and the same hereby is, for ever vested in the corporation of said city, so as not to affect the legal or equitable claims of any individuals, or of any body politic, or corporate, if any such there be:Proviso. Provided, that the said land, as above described, be neither cultivated nor occupied by buildings, but that it be planted with trees, and preserved as a common, for the use, comfort, and health of the inhabitants of the city aforesaid, and all other persons who may occasionally resort thither.

Sec. No. 16, how to be located if it shall have fallen on any land claimed by virtue of a British grant.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That whenever the section No. 16, shall fall upon land already granted, by virtue of any act of Congress, or claimed by virtue of a British grant, the Secretary of the Treasury shall locate another section, in lieu thereof, for the use of schools, which location shall be made in the same township, if there be any other vacant section therein, and otherwise, in an adjoining township.

Where Richard Sparks’ claim is to be entered.
Also those of Richard S. Byan and George Brewer, Senr.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That Richard Sparks, be permitted to enter with the register of the land-office, for the district west of Pearl river, his claim to three hundred and twenty acres of land, lying within said district; and that Richard S. Bryan, and George Brewer, senior, be permitted to enter with the register of the land-office, for the district east of Pearl river, their certificate of a right of pre-emption for three hundred and twenty acres of land, lying within the district last mentioned: and such entry of the claim of the said Richard Sparks shall have the same effect, as if it had been made prior to the first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and four, and such entry of the certificate of the said Richard S. Bryan and George Brewer, senior, shall have the same effect as if it had been made within three months from the time it was issued.

Approved, April 21, 1806.