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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/450

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tions to be made, with respect to St. George’s bank, and any other bank or shoal and the soundings and currents beyond the distance aforesaid to the Gulf Stream, as in his opinion may be especially subservient to the commercial interests of the United States.

President authorized to cause proper persons to be employed, and such of the public vessels as may be wanted, &c.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States shall be, and he is hereby authorized and requested, for any of the purposes aforesaid, to cause proper and intelligent persons to be employed, and also such of the public vessels in actual service, as he may judge expedient, and to give such instructions for regulating their conduct as to him may appear proper, according to the tenor of this act.[1]

Act of April 14, 1818, ch. 56.
Fifty thousand dollars appropriated.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That for carrying this act into effect there shall be, and hereby is appropriated, a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, to be paid out of any monies in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, February 10, 1807.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

Feb. 10, 1807.

Chap. IX.An Act authorizing the erection of certain Lighthouses, and the fixing of stakes, buoys and beacons, at certain places therein named.

Secretary of the Treasury to have lighthouses built at Fair Weather and Naushawn islands.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is authorized and directed, to cause a good and sufficient lighthouse to be built at each of the following places, that is to say; on Fair Weather island, in the state of Connecticut, and at Naushawn island near Tarpaulin cove, in the state of Massachusetts, at such points as the President of the United States may select for those purposes;To appoint keepers, &c.
and to appoint keepers, and otherwise provide for such lighthouses, at the expense of the United States: Provided, that sufficient ground for the accommodation of said lighthouses, respectively, can be obtained at a reasonable price: And provided also, that the legislatures of the states of Connecticut and Massachusetts shall cede the jurisdiction over each place respectively to the United States.

Secretary of the Treasury to cause the lighthouse at Smith’s point to be rebuilt.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is authorized and directed, to cause the lighthouse at present established on Smith’s point, at the mouth of the river Potomac, to be taken down, and to cause another good and sufficient one to be built at such other spot on the said point, as the President of the United States may select: Provided, that sufficient ground for the accommodation thereof, can be obtained at a reasonable price: And provided also, that the legislature of the state of Virginia shall cede the jurisdiction over the same to the United States.Secretary of the Treasury to have the lighthouse at North island rebuilt. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby further authorized and directed to cause the lighthouse heretofore established on North island, at the entrance into Winyaw bay, in the state of South Carolina, to be rebuilt in such manner as may in his opinion be most likely to secure its future safety.

Secretary of the Treasury to cause buoys and stakes to be fixed in Winyaw bay, and near the shoals and rocks leading to Salem.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is authorized and directed, to cause proper and sufficient buoys and stakes to be fixed in, and along the channel in Winyaw bay, leading to the harbor of Georgetown, in the state of South Carolina: and also, to cause proper and sufficient buoys and beacons to

  1. Coast Survey.—By an act for the repeal of part of this act, passed April 14, 1818, chap. 56, no persons but those belonging to the army are to be employed in the coast survey.
    By the 1st section of the act of June 17, 1844, chap. 65, officers of the army and navy shall, as far as practicable, be employed in the coast survey, wherever, and in the manner required by the department having charge thereof.
    By an act passed June 3, 1844, maps and charts of the survey of the coast are to be disposed of at such prices as may be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury; and copies of the same shall be presented to “foreign governments, departments of our own government, and literary and scientific associations.”