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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/466

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Penalty for negro or mulatto taken on board.master, or commander of every such ship or vessel, shall moreover forfeit, for every such negro, mulatto, or person of colour, so transported, or taken on board, contrary to the provisions of this act, the sum of one thousand dollars, one moiety thereof to the United States, and the other moiety to the use of any person or persons who shall sue for and prosecute the same to effect.

Manifests to be delivered to officers of customs where such slaves carried coastwise are landed.Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the captain, master, or commander of every ship or vessel, of the burthen of forty tons or more, from and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eight, sailing coastwise, and having on board any negro, mulatto, or person of colour, to sell or dispose of as slaves, or to be held to service or labour, and arriving in any port within the jurisdiction of the United States, from any other port within the same, shall, previous to the unlading or putting on shore any of the persons aforesaid, or suffering them to go on shore, deliver to the collector, if there be one, or if not, to the surveyor residing at the port of her arrival, the manifest certified by the collector or surveyor of the port from whence she sailed, as is herein before directed, to the truth of which, before such officer, he shall swear or affirm, and if the collector or surveyor shall be satisfied therewith, he shall thereupon grant a permit for unlading or suffering such negro, mulatto, or person of colour, to be put on shore, and if the captain, master, or commander of any such ship or vessel being laden as aforesaid,Penalty for landing a negro or mulatto without a permit. shall neglect or refuse to deliver the manifest at the time and in the manner herein directed, or shall land or put on shore any negro, mulatto, or person of colour, for the purpose aforesaid, before he shall have delivered his manifest as aforesaid, and obtained a permit for that purpose, every such captain, master, or commander, shall forfeit and pay ten thousand dollars, one moiety thereof to the United States, the other moiety to the use of any person or persons who shall sue for and prosecute the same to effect.

Approved, March 2, 1807.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

March 3, 1807.

Chap. XXIII.An Act to reduce the expenses attending the administration of justice in the district of Columbia.

Act of Feb. 27, 1801, ch. 15.
Service fees, &c. to the marshal.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the service of any writ, warrant, attachment, summons, or order of court, the marshal for the district of Columbia shall be entitled to receive the fee of fifty cents only, for each person on whom served; and for the taking any bond required by law, a fee of fifty cents only; and for such services as are not enumerated in this, or some other act of Congress, he shall receive the like fees and compensation, if they be performed in the county of Alexandria, as by the laws of Virginia, in force on the first Monday of December, in the year eighteen hundred, were allowed to the sheriff of a county, for the like services; and if they be performed in the county of Washington, the like fees and compensation, as by the laws of Maryland, in force on the day last mentioned, were allowed to a sheriff of a county in Maryland, for the like services.

Clerk of Alexandria county entitled to the same fees as clerks of district courts in Virginia, &c.
In chancery proceedings, fees allowed to clerk of the high court of chancery in Virginia.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the clerk of the circuit court of the district of Columbia, for the county of Alexandria, shall be entitled to receive for his services, the same fees only, as by the laws of Virginia, in force on the day last mentioned, were allowed to the clerk of the district court in that state, for the like services; in chancery proceedings, the same fees only, as were allowed by the said laws to the clerk of the high court of chancery, in the said state, for like services; and for such services as were not, by the said laws, to be performed by the clerk of either of the said courts in Virginia, he shall receive such fees only, as