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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/673

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any share of the joint stock or funds created in pursuance of the said articles of association, and their successors, being stockholders as aforesaid, shall be and they are hereby incorporated, and made a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of the “President and Directors of the Union Bank of Georgetown,” and by that name may sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in courts of record and any other place whatsoever; and by that name may have and hold, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects, of what nature, kind or quality soever, and the same sell, grant, demise, alien and dispose of. And by that name, shall have during the continuance of this act succession; and may make, have and use a common seal, and the same may break, alter and renew at pleasure; and shall have power to ordain, establish and put in execution, such by-laws, ordinances and regulations as shall seem necessary and convenient for the government of said corporation, not being contrary to law nor to the constitution thereof: and generally to do and execute all acts necessary or proper for the objects of said incorporation, subject to the rules, regulations, restrictions, limitations and provisions herein described and declared.

Capital of the bank.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the capital stock of the said bank shall consist of five hundred thousand dollars, money of the United States, to be divided into shares of fifty dollars each; of which fifteen dollars on each share has been paid, according to the articles of association aforesaid; and it shall be optional with any stockholder hereafter to pay up the further sum of thirty-five dollars: Provided, that not more than fifty thousand dollars be paid in any one year, unless the president and directors, by a rule or order, should authorize or permit a greater sum to be paid; the dividend or dividends on such sums of money so paid, shall not commence until the first day of the month next ensuing such payment.

Bank to be kept in Georgetown.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said bank shall transact its business in Georgetown.

Affairs of the bank to be conducted by twelve directors and a president, &c.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the affairs of the said bank shall be conducted by twelve directors and a president, whose place, if chosen from among their number, shall be supplied by that body. Six of the directors, with the president, shall form a board or quorum for transacting all the business of the company, but the ordinary discounts may be done by the president and three directors. In case of his sickness or necessary absence, his place may be supplied by any director, whom he, by writing under his hand, may nominate for that purpose, or in case of his not making such nomination, the board may appoint a president to act during his absence. The president and directors who may be in office under the said articles of association on the said fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and eleven, shall continue in office under and by virtue of this act of incorporation, until others shall be duly chosen in their stead. No person shall be a director or president, who is not a citizen of the United States, and a stockholder; and a director ceasing to be a stockholder, shall cease to be a director; and no person, a director of another bank, shall be a director of this bank. Every stockholder being a citizen of the United States, shall be entitled to vote at all elections to be holden by the stockholders in pursuance of this act, and shall have as many votes, in proportion to the stock he may hold, as follows: for every share as far as twenty, one vote for each share, and one vote for every two shares thereafter as far as forty; and for every five shares above forty, one vote; but no person or persons, bodies corporate or otherwise, shall be entitled to more than one hundred and fifty votes; no stockholder shall be permitted to vote, who has not held his stock two calendar months, prior to the day of election. All stockholders living in Georgetown, shall vote in the choice of directors by ballot in