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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/674

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person: but every stockholder living out of said town may vote in person or by a written ballot by him or her subscribed with his or her name, and duly acknowledged before a judge of a court, a justice of the peace, or a notary public; a certificate whereof shall be made on said ballot by the judge, justice of the peace, or notary public, before whom such acknowledgment shall be made; and said ballot shall by him be sealed up, and addressed to the cashier of the bank, and being transmitted before the time of the election, shall be received and counted in the election.No person not a citizen of the U. States to vote.
No person who is not a citizen of the United States shall be entitled to vote in any election of this corporation: Provided nevertheless, that this section may at any time hereafter be altered or amended by Congress, in such a manner as they may see fit, so as to provide for an annual rotation of the directors.

General meetings for choosing directors, &c. &c.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That a general meeting of the stockholders of the said bank shall be holden on the first Monday of April, in the year eighteen hundred and eleven, and on the first Monday of April, in every year thereafter, at such place as the president and directors shall appoint, by giving four weeks’ notice in two or more of the newspapers of the district, for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, who shall meet on the day succeeding their election, and shall immediately proceed to choose a president; and the president and directors for the time being, shall continue in office until others shall be duly elected in their places, and be organized by the assembling of a quorum, and the choice of a president. At all elections the persons having the greatest number of votes shall be deemed to be chosen. All elections shall be held under the superintendence of the president of the bank, for the time being, and four stockholders not being at the time directors, appointed by the board of directors, any three of whom shall be judges thereof. They shall immediately thereafter notify the persons elected to meet the ensuing day at the bank, and shall make a return of the persons elected, at their first meeting. Should two or more persons have an equal number of votes, the other individuals elected directors, shall determine by ballot from among said persons, who shall be the director or directors. All elections shall be opened at ten o’clock in the forenoon, and closed at three in the afternoon.

Powers of the directors.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the president and directors shall have full power to make, revise, alter and annul all such rules, orders, by-laws and regulations, for the government of said corporation, and that of its officers, servants and affairs, as they shall from time to time think expedient; and to use, employ and dispose of the capital stock, funds and property of said bank, for the interest and benefit of the stockholders, subject only to the restrictions herein contained; but the said bank shall not take for discounting any bill or note, more than at the rate of six per cent. per annum, upon the amount due by such bill or note.

Promissory notes, &c. &c. to be signed by the president, &c. &c.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts, checks and receipts, for the payment of money made on behalf of the said bank, signed by the president and countersigned and attested by the cashier, shall be obligatory upon the said body corporate, and shall posses the like qualities as to negotiability, and the holders thereof shall have the like actions thereupon, as if such promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts, checks or receipts had been made by or on behalf of a natural person.

Books, &c. &c subject to inspection of directors.
Annual statement to be made to Secretary of Treasury.
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the books, papers, correspondence and funds of the bank shall at all times be subject to the inspection of the directors. And the said president and directors shall once in every year cause to be laid before the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States an account, truly stating the situation of the bank and its funds.