82 FORTY SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 163. 1882. lndians, forty thousand two hundred and forty-five dollars and forty- tive cents · 16 stat., 355. _ For interest on seventy-eight thousand three hundred and forty dollars and forty-one cents, at live per eentum per annum, to be expended, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for the erection of houses improvement of their allotments of land, purchase of stock, · · agricultural implements, seeds, and other beneficial objects, three thousand nine hundred and seventeen dollars and two cents; in all, forty- four thousand one hundred and sixty-two dollars and forty-seven. cents. Flatheads, Mon- Payment to Flatheads removed to J ocko reservation, Montana z For
- ¤¤¤·- last of ten installments of fifty thousand dollars, to be expended under
the direction of the President, for the Flathead Indians removed from Bitter Root Valley to the Jocko reservation, in the Territory of Montana, five thousand dollars Utes. For second of ten installments to be distributed, at the discretion of the President, to such Ute Indians as distinguished themselves by good sense, energy, and perseverance in the pursuits of civilized life and in the promotion of a good understanding between the Indians and the government and people of the United States, four thousand dollars. ml$l¤t:¤:;s¤l. wmv- REMOVAL, SETTLEMENT, smzsrstrnucz Arm SUPPORT OF INDIANS. Apaches sud For subsisting and caring for the Apaches and other Indians of the wglmd? San Carlos reservation, in Arizona: For this amount, for subsistence, A,,,,,,,,, °’ two hundred and ten thousand dollars: for civilization and instruction, including pay for Indian labor, twenty thousand dollars; for annuity goods, agricultural implements, seeds, and supplies, thirty-five thousand dollars; for pay of employees, ten thousand dollars; in all, two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. A¤¤1>¤h¤¤¤.Cb¤!· For subsistence and civilization of theArapahoes, Cheyennes, Apaches, {g::-,;?;;;;; K.1owas,_Comanches, and Wichitas who have been collected upon the ,h,,,mdiym,m,_ mshom apart for their use and occupation, three hundred and ousan dollars. Arivkarccs. Gmc Subsistence and civilization of Arickarees, Gros Ventres, and Man- X::£`°“> °°d M°°‘ dans: For this amount, to be expended in such goods, provisions, and other articles as the President may, from time to time, determine in in- · · structing in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in providing employegs, ed·5caung¢;h;H(¥et1};pro:<;t(;ringliTnedi‘¢§ine‘:¥11.:;i medical attendance, care or an_ snppo a , sic an in for the hel less orphans of said Indians, and in any othei respect to promote ther civili- _ _ V zatron, comfort and improvement, forty thousand dollars. M%::;:B°b°*¤°¤» For subsistence and civilization of the Assiuaboines inlliontana, in- BI 'k f cluding pay of employees, fifteen thousand dollars. B,°0d:°md° _For support, education and civilization of the Blackfeet, Bloods, and gan Piegans, including pay of employees, thirty-dve thousand dollars. C**il>P°‘1'¤¤ °Y Support of Chi was of Lake Su rior: For suv 'viliza· I"‘k° S“’°“°" tion of the Chippelwlah of Lake Superio£?to` be expendledofotrtangiighlturul and educational purposes, pay of clerk and necessary employees, purchase of goods and provisions and for such other purposes as may ggdeemed for the best interests of said Indians, eighteen thousand Chi p¤w¤¤ vf For support and civilization of Chippewas of Red Lake and Pembiua £;al;£° ““dP°m tribe ot Glnppewas, and for pay of employees, eighteen thousand dollars- , l v 6 W => ¤» Support of Chippewas on White Earth reservation: For this amouu &?°?§,F:n;f or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended, under the ` t,_ ’ rectron of the Secretary of the Interior, in the care and support of the Otter Tail, Pillager, Pembina,and Mississippi Chippewa Indians on the White Earth reservation in Minnesota, and to assist them in their agri- _ - cultural operations, ten thousand dollars. ' mw *¤l>•>¤, __ For subsistence and civilization of the eonfederated tribes and bands rn Middle Oregon, and for pay of employees, eight thousand dollars.