FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 163. 1882. 83 {or sulndstoncc and civilization of the D’Wa.mish and other allied £’Wax;isl% arid tri ms in 'ashiu ton Tcrritor * iucludin :1 of cm 10 ccs ten thou- 9 °’ m °”z “*‘ ‘ sand dollars. g 5, gp y P y 7 “‘g"°“ T°”‘“"Y· For subsistence and civilization of the Flatheads and other confcder- Flathoads and ated tribes, including pay of employees, thirteen thousand dollars. ;§£:;°°”f°d°*°Wd For subsistence and civilization of the Gros Vontres in Montana., in- Gros Ventros, cludiug pay of employees, twenty thousand dollars. M°¤*°¤¤· For education and civilization of the Indians within tho limits of the Indians at Cenlata Central Superintendency,iucludiug clothing, food, and lodging for tm S"P”k?*·°¤d· the children attending school, eighteen thousand dollars. °"°Y‘ Support of Indians at Fort Peck agency: For this amount to be cx- Indians, Fort ponded in such goods, provisions, and other useful articles as the Prosi- Pwk ¤8°¤°5'· dent may, from time to time, determine, in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in providing employees, educating children, . procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indians, and in any respect to promote their civilization, comfort, and improvement, seventy-iivo thousand dollars. d For subsistence, support, civilization and instruction of the Shos- Shoshone, em., honoa and Baunocks, and other Indians of the Fort Hall reservation, Fort Hm ¤>¤<>¤’v¤· gx gdaho Territory, including pay of employees, twenty-two thousand °‘°“* Id“h°‘ ` o ars. For support and civilization of tho Kansas Indians including agri- Kansas Indiana. cultural assistance and pay of employes, five thousand dollars. For support, civilization, and instruction of the Klamaths and M0- I¤di¤¤¤ M KM- docs, and other Indians of the Klamath agency, in Oregon, including “"‘l:‘ ]‘ °g°“°Y· O"' pay of employes, six thousand dollars. g°- For subsistence and civilization of tho Makahs, including pay of Maknhs employees, six thousand dollars. For support and civilization of the Menomonee Indians, including Menomonee; pay of employees, seven thousand dollars. For support, civilization, and instruction of the Shoshonos, Ban- Indians atumm nocks, and Shccpcafors, and other indians of tho Lomhi agency in ¤H°¤¤Y- Idaho Territory, including pay of employees, twonby-one thousand d01· lam. - For support and civilization of the Modoc Indians now residing Moderns. within the Indian Territory, five thousand dollars. For instruction and civilization of the Navajo Indians, including pay Navajo; ‘ of farmer and tho purchase of agricultural implements, seeds, school . and miscellaneous supplies, and medicines, five thousand dollars. For the employment of a physician and the purchase of medicines, Moquis Pueblo school supplies, agricultural implements and seeds for the Moquis I¤di¤·¤¤· Pueblo Indians, two thousand dollars. And the commanding officer at Fort Wingate, New Mexico, shall, under tho direction of tho Secretary of War, transport supplies for the Navajo and Moquis Pueblo Indians iiom said post to their respective agencies. For civilization and instruction of the Puoblolndiaxxs of New Mex- puomo Iudiguq ico, including pay of teachers and purchase of seeds and agricultural New Mexicoimplements, seven thousand fivo hundred dollars; and of this sum not ‘ exceeding one thousand Evo hundred dollars may, in tho discretion of the Commissioner of Indian Aiihirs, be used in constructing irrigating ditches at Zuni and J emez Puoblos. For support and civilization of Joscplfs band of Nez Poroos Indians Joncplfn band of in the Indian Territory, twenty thousand dollars Nw P°¤*°*· ‘ For subsistence and civilization of the Qui—nai·e.Its and Qui!-Ich-utas, Qui-mi-elm md including pay of employees, tivo thousand dollars Q¤¤·i¢¤·¤*°¤· For support and civilization of Shoshone lndionn in Wyoming, mght· Spmshcnos, wy- oou thousand dollars W mms- For subsistence and civilization of the S’Kla11um Indians, including s*K1¤.11¤¤m. of employees, six thousand dollars. vigor an pon? civilization, and instmction of the Tonkawa. Indmns at '!`¤¤k»*¤•· Fort Grign, ems, thmo thousand dollars ; , “