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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/195

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168 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 293, 294. 1882. I .. ‘milita ·rescrvation at Fort Abercrombie. in rhe ——j————J“ly 15, 1882 -o¥?lI?mn:sro?:,tu=nll°gElh?»§i;iIsg the Slcscretury of the Interior to have tho lands embraced therein made subject to homestead entry and sale the same as other public lands. Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Represmamtuges of the United Abolition ormil- State: of America in Congress assembled, _C['hu.t the military reservation

    • °'!*°*""·**i°".** of Fort Abercrombie, in the State of Minnesota, be, and the suinc is

F?" ‘“’°”“”"l"°’ hereby, abolished; and the Secretary of the Interior IS hereby author- Mim" ized to have the lands embraced therein made subject to town site homenouds open to . . entry and sale. stead entry and sale the same as other public lands: Provided, That "!"`*°“'· the rights of alluctnal settlers entitled to the benehts of the homestead “§}§:;' °f mm laws of the United States, who now occupy in good fzuth any portion of the land embraced within said reservation, shall date irom the day of their actual settlement thereon; and in perfecting their titles thereto, nnder the homestead laws, the time such settlers have occupied und `~ improved their said lands shall be allowed. Approved, July 15, 1882. _ gggy F, 193; CHAP. 294.—·An sct to increase? ltlxbzrster-supply of the city of Washington, and -a-1-—· 0 PHIPES. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the U nitcd n»m·¤.¤•·m‘w¤m·· Slam ofxlmcrica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War shall 9·n»v!r oi WMU- cause to be made a survey and map of the land necessary to extend ‘“§::;D·§L the Washington Aqueduct from its present eastern terminus to the y’ ’ high ground north of Wushirngton near Sixth street extended, and of Roserwir ¤¤n¤¤· the land necessary for u reservoir at that point the capacity of which EE} shall not be less than three hundred million gallons; and alike survey- lwgb and map of the land necessary for n dam across the Potomac River at the Dun across Po. Great Falls, including the land now occupied by the dam, and the land •o¤w¤ Rivvr =·¤· required for the extension of said dam across Conn’s Island to and upon 6**** F*“'* the Virginia shore ; and when surveys and maps shall have been nmde · the Secretary of War and the Attorney-General of the United States - shall proceed to acquire to and for the United States the outstanding ‘ title, if any, to said land and water-rights, and to the land on which the gatebouse at Great Falls stands by condemnation. Tmp ¤*¤· . And in obtaining title to the right of way for the extension of said _ soneditct, the Secretary of Wm- and Attorney-General may, in their °fM¤¤¤¤¤*¤*¤¤ discretion, secure title to a strip suitable for an avenue over such part

|_‘|mm"‘?°"“·_ ofssnl aguoduct oxteudcdns they think proper
Provided, That at least

L,,,,,;,; n,,, d0_ onehalf in value of such right of way shall be donated or dedicated by nuemconilenuued. the owners to that public use: And providcdfurther, That if it shall be necessary- to resort to condemnation, the proceeding shall ue as lbllows . ‘ Conditions. When the map and survey are completed, the Attorney-General shall proceed to ascertain the owners or claimants of the premises embraced in thesnrvey, and shall cause to be published, for the space of thirty days, in one or more of the daily newspapers published in the District of Columbia, udescription of the entire tract or tracts of land embraced in the survey, with n notice that the same has been taken thr the uses mentioned in this oct, and notifying ull cluimunts to any portion of said premises to tile, within its period of publication, in the Depeutment of {Justice, u description of the tract or parcel claimed, and astateunent of its value me estimated by the claimant. On application of the Attornev— General, the chief justice of the supreme court of the District of Colum- _ bm shall appoint three persons, not in the enuplov of the government or APP*¤¤¤¢¤ related to the claimants, to not as uppmisers, vtln se duty it shall be,

po1;r;c¢;e;Eing ironilthe Attorney;-General n description of any truct

vnhmmm jul;`. e$‘.]l.`)¢ ‘¢;:YDPr=~ np of iwlncb is claimed separately, to lairly und (}€|'él`·‘l .wh0 ther saline nan report such vulnimon to the l\ttorm*y· " Sum Que to we upon m , upon being sutisned ns to the title to the i 0 ere to the owner or owners the amount lixcd