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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/196

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FORTY-SEVENTH CON GBESS. Sess. I. Ch. 294. 1882. 169 by the appraisers as the value thereof; and if the oder be accepted, then upon the execution of a deed to the United States in form satisfactory to the Attorney—Geneml, the Secretary of War shall pay the amount to such owner or owners from the appropriation made therefor in this act. _ In making the valuation the appraisers shall only consider the "present yalue of the land without reference to its value for the uses for which it is taken under the provisions of this act. _ The appraisers shall each receive for their services five dollars for Compensationeaeh day’s actual service in making the said appraisements. Any person or corporation having any estate or interest in any of the Damages. lands embraced in said survey and map who shall for any reason not have been tendered payment therefor as above provided or who shall have declined to accept the amount tendered therefor, and any person who, by reason of the taking of said land, or by the construction of the works hereinafter directed to be constructed, shall be directly injured in any property right, may, at any time within one year from the publication of notice by the Attorney-General as above provided, iile a petition in the Court of Claims of the United States setting forth his right or title and the amount claimed by him as damages for the property ` taken or injury sustained; and the said court shall hear and acljudicate such claims in the same manner as other claims against the United , States are now by law directed to be heard and adjudicated therein: Provided, That the ‘court shall make such special rules in respect to Pmwin. such eases as shall secure their hearing and adjudication with the least possible delay. f Judgments in favor bf such claimants shall be paid as other jndg- Judgments, how ments of said court are now""directed to be paid; and any claimant to 1>=¤id· . whom a tender shall have been made as hereinbeforc authorized, and who shall have declined to accept the same, shall, unless he recover an amount greater than that so tendered, be taxed with the entire cost of the proceeding. All claims for value or damages on account of owner- Claims for damship of any interest in said- premises, or on aeeountcf injury to a prop· sew bend •f¤¤r erty right by the construction of said works, shall, unless a petition for °”° Y"'- °**°·_ the recovery thereof be tiled within one year. from the date of the first publication of notice by the Attorney·General as above directed,'be forever harmed; Provided, 'lhat owners. or claimants laboring under any Pm,,, cl the disabilities deiined in the statute of limitations of the District of _ _ Columbia may Me a petition at any time within one year from the re- . _ moral of the disability. Upon the publication of the notice as above directed, the Secretary Title to lands to of War may take possession of the premises embraced in the survey and gftei ¤ I? ¤ * Wd map, and proceed with the constructions herein authorized ; and upon “ “· " °“‘ payment being made therefor, or, without payment, upon the expiration of the times above limited without the tiling of a petition, an absolute . title to the premises shall vest in the United States. · Sno, 2. That the Secretary of War be, and is hereby, authorized and Sosietarystwar directed to extend the Washgtou Aqueduct from its present eastern §° *********1 W¤¤!*· terminus to the high groundrth of Washington near Sixth street ex- :,},,8*PQO tended; ani that he construct at that point a reservoir of the capacity ,,43;,, m,,.,;;,, of not less than three hundred millions gallons, erect the necessary gate to complete dom house, and lay such maiirconnections us may be necessary to furnish to ¤* :**$1**t£`°”¤ NLM Washington and Georgetown an ample supply of water; and that he QQ_'" ° °’ eomplete the dam at Great Falls to the level of one hundred and forty- · `eight feet above tide, and extend the same at that level across Conn’s Island to the Virginia shore · and that he raise the embankment between the Potomac River and the ilhesapeake and Ohio Canal above the dam, so as to protect the canal from the increased flooding which the completion of the dom will cause in times of high water,or pay to the canal company, in full satisfaction for all such flooding, the amount hereinatter appropriated for that purpose. · . _ Sec. 3. That the following sums, or so much thereof as may be neces Appropriations: