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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/197

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170 FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 294, 295. 1882. sggy, are hereby appgrgpriated out of any money in the Treasury not . rmse a ro na : Purchaseotland. 0 T: pay foglland to extend aqueduct, fifty-one thousand three hundred and seventy dollars. _ _ For extension of aqueduct to the high ground north of Washington near Sixth street extended, five hundred and ninety-nine thousand live hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty-five cents. For necessary main-connections, one hundred and sixty-nve thousand f h dred dollars. mTo pay for land for reservoir, thirty-five thousand two hundred and d llars. g,;,,;,; md uhllorzvork and material in constructing reservoir and gate-house, four labor. hundred and thirty-one thousand two hundred and seventy-three dol- _ lars and seventy-five cents. Wm ¤Sh*¤· F Tgpay for Qvater rights and lax5d n t3 pgtend dam at Great a to the irginia s ore orty- ve thousand o rs. _Work me msu- Forwork and material to,complete the dam at Great Falls to the level ml- of one hundred and forty-eight feet above tide, and extend the same to _ thelggima shore, one hundred and forty-five thousand one hundred an y·one . Protection oi To protect the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal from increased flooding wl E: py reason] of completing the dam at Great Falls, twelve thousand three umn . ‘md"’d °““°`· ' msngvaya. To provide for the erection of suitable fish-ways at the Great Falls of the Potomac and at the dam to be constructed under the provisions of this act in accordance with plans and specifications to be prescribed by the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, fifty thousand . mm. dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary: Provided further, om-hui: or cost That one-half the wet of said improvement, excluding the fish way 2* **°"°°:*L¤°¤•**¤· uahnnculally computed and stated by the Treasurer of the United arged to a capita RhOC0\ll1t’0D the books of the Treasury SI 0 . Hgh.; HQ;,`::,: and that rnterest at the rate of three per centum per annum thereon charged to s up- shall be annually computed and charged to said account, and that any

;°°¤¤* **:2 surplus of water rents over and above the expense of maintaining the

3 Pu, mt W m_ works and appendages and paying the charges for interest and sinking um fund for the redemption of outstanding bonds heretofore issued for the extension ot sand water worksin the ·city of Washington shall be paid _ mto the '.l‘reasnry of the United States by the officer who may be _ 8urplusofwatqr¢l1¤1'gBd.With the collectionoftie same,and credited to the account

 thus created, until the same shall be dually extinguished and the water

rents shall be no from_ time to time as to be at least sudicient to pay the expenscsof rnamtaining the saidworks and appendages and themterest cnthe capital acconntcreated m accordance with this pmgsgiolnm adchupulfto nowimposedtlnereonbylaw. Alter the

 *:3 the surplus water rgearlts shall   the Treasury ldfplhgolgnited

'lressury, when. Smws· Approved, July 15, 1882. ,|¤|y i5, {5g_ CHAP. 295.-—·An act toprovide for tl¥°e:;go: of a public building at Poughkeepsie, B¢it enactedbythaSenateandH o Reprar° N¥;>¤:bk¤¤v•i¤. 8******* of AMW in OWN? That ctlrtghgeczrzfmtgy ‘;-g·;;;_g;·i¤·¤»¤· L'{.'?2.“liZ’.!i2: % ..."° "°?}’€.’2.2§€£§'Zl°& “"" ‘“¥’°‘°" “’ "“’°"““° “ of site. _ GIG t hk ’ ‘ §t;rt§roLt§'e_rIul't;rk{ a substantial and commnglihgs pggge baslipslggnvfilth _ ~ , or the use and accommodation of the post omce and internal revenue offices, and for other government uses. The site and pim., ew, tél;:>i‘l>I:1il:lin;i,;ctla¢·reon, when completed according to plans and specifi- - s o . previously made and approved by the Secretary of the