FORTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sm s. II. Ch. 14-16. 1883. 4()] CHAP. 14.-jAn not to prcyidc for the n. ment of the amount duo th un an. S . ggdixlr Rapids and Northern Railway Cgngpany for transportation of _ Be at enactedjry the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ojlxtmerzca in Congress assembled, That; the Postmastcr—Gcucra1 P¤ymentto— bc, and is hcrcby, authorized to pay to the Burlington, Cedar Rapids B“'“"€F°“· 0* and Norihcrn Railway Company the amount. duo said company for §‘;';.th1;;{’Q‘:;u ““° transporting the United States mails bctwccn Plymouth, Iowa-, and co, my Austin, Minnesota, from January eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy- nyu, to May twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-six,:1tt11c rates ot compensation authorized by law between said dates; and the sum of nw thousand six hundred und seventy dollars and forty cents, 01* S0 Appmpl-;m.,,,_ much thereof ns may be ncccssary, is appropriated for this purpose out of any money in the Trcasnuy of the United States not otherwise approprmtcd: Provided, That its shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Promo. P0stmastcr·Gcncral that the said company actually transported United States mails between the points mentioned in this act during the time stated, for which it has received 110 compensation. Approved, January ninth, 1883. CHAP. 15.-An awt to extend the time for Hliu claims for horses and ui ments M_ lust by officcn and enlisted mon in the scrvicc if tho United States, angel! fol; other purpom. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the time for filing claims 'ijimo for ming for horses and equipments lost by officers and enlisted men in the mili- $:*1*** *°1' 1**}** tary service of the United States, which expired by limitation on the m':;:°';“t2u§q°5’:P' thirtzy-first day of Dcccmbcr, eighteen hundred and seventylivc, bc, and the sumc is hereby, extended to one year from and nitcr the passage of this act; and that all such claims tiled in the proper department before the passage of this acts shallbc deemed to have been iilcd in dna time, and shall be considered and decided without rcfiling. Sec. 2. That all claims arising under the act approved March third, Claims when cigbtccn hundred and forty-ninc,cntitlcd “An acc to provide for the burwdpayment of horses and other property lost or destroyed in the military 9 Sm., 414. service of the United Sbams”, and all acts amcndatory thereof, which shall not be tiled in the proper department within one year from and after nbc passage of this act, shall be forever barred, and shall not bc mccivcd, considered, or auditcd by any department of the government. Approved, January ninth, 1883. CHAP. 16.-An act to amend section thirty-three hundred and sixty-two of the Jan. 9, 1883. Revised Statutes relating to the tax on pcrique tobacco. --————-—··—— U Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ Staics of America in Congress assembled, That section thirty-three lmn- £¢g¢1}g6g¤b¤¤°¤· drcd and sixty-two, as amended by the act of March first, eighteen hun- A;m;‘;d‘_d: drcd and seventy-uiuc, bc, and the snmc is hereby, amended by mscrt- 20 smh, N5_ ing after the words “ or for cxport," and bcforcthe words “ nndcr such I restrictions" in the second provision of said section, the following words: “Aml pcriquc tobacco may ba sold by the manufacturer or producer tlmrcof, in the form of carrottcs, directly to so lcgqllytqualniicd manufacturer, to be cut: or granulated and us mntcrml m the mnmg'octnrc of cigarettes or smoking-tobacco, without the payment of tax . · Approvcd, January ninth, 1883. xxu---26
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