{O2 FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 17, 23-25. 1883. Jam. 9 1883. CHAP. 17.-A.u act to permit grain brought by Canmlian ihrmers to he ground nt -——-?-— mills in the United States adjacent to Canadian territory, under such rules sud regulations as may be prescribed by the Treasury Dopnrtinent. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Canadian grain States of America in Congress assembled, That grain brought into the ¢'°}“"* °* mill? m United States in wagons or other ordinary road vehicles, by tiirmcrs ,l;:,:*;;ius:,;,°t";°,;;° residing in the Dominion of Canada, to be ground by mills owned by ’ . citizens of the United States, shall not be deemed to be imported or hmm. liable to import duties; Provided, That such grain shall be brought into the United States under such regulations as the Treasury Department may prescribe to prevent fraud and evasion, and shall be returned as in like manner provided bv such regulations: And provided jarther, That entry shall be made of and duties paid upon all such grain as shall be taken or received by mill-owners as tolls for such grinding, under like regulations provided by the Treasury Department. _ Approved, January ninth, 1883. _ Jim; 13,1&, CHAP. 23.-An act to provide for extra work in the Government Printing Offico •-·-····—————·• _ lll COSBB of 8l1101'g8l1Cy. Be it enacted lm the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Extra work in States of America in Congress assembled, That for extra work, ordered _§’r;’D;i:'”6",;'** in emergencies, and performed on Sundays or legal holidays, or be- 1,0,, pail_ °° ’ tween the hours of midnight and eight ante meridian, excepting that done by regular organized night forces, the Public Printer is hereby . nuthoiized to pay such extra prices as the customs of the trade and the justice of the case may require. Approved, January 13, 1883. ‘ Jan. 13, 1883. . CHAP. 24.-An not relating to exportation of tobacco, snuff, and cigars, in bond, -—————-—-——- free of tax, to adjacent foreign territory. , Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Tobago, nut States of America in Congress assembled, That section thirtythree hunma sigma, u-pm-. dred and eighty-five of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as wion ct etc. amended by the act of June ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty, be ·_£·¤§d*“5» wv further amended by adding, after the words "shall be cance1ed," where m Su,_’m_ they iirst occur therein, the following words: “But when the goods are exported to an adjacent foreign territory,,by vessel or otherwise, said . bonds shall be canceled upon such proofs of exportation as may be prescribed by the commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury! Approved, January 13, 1883. Jn_ 15, HB3_ CHAP. 25.-An act to attach the county of Hnrdemnn, in the State of Tennessee, ...__.. to the eastern division of the western district of Tennessee, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 3 , T 4 , m E D States of America in_0m•gress assembled, That irom and after the passage Ctgnncy mmiepgrt of this act the territory embraced in the county of Hardenmn, in the
State ot Tennessee, as new constituted, shall be attached to and com-
M- Tum pose n part of the eastern division of the western district of Tennessee; and all process issued against defendants residing in said county of Hurdennin shall be returned to Jackson, and all civil causes of action which have accrued in said county, of which the courts of the United States have jurisdiction, shall be coguizable in the court at Jackson but all offenses committed in said county against the laws of the United