FORTY-SEVE) TH CONGRESS. Sxsss. II. C11. 27. 1883. 405 of one thousand six hundred dollars per ummm. It may, when neces- c.,mp.mS¤u°¤ sary, employ :1 stenogmpher, and :1 messen;5c1·, who shall be paid, when swmgmpzm I employed, the former at the rate of one thousand six l1uu¢1red dollnrs Ligssongm · is yemt, und the latter at the rate of six humlrud dollars :1 year. The eornmmsron shqll,:1t Washi11gton, and in one or more places in each btute and Territory where exa.minatious nre to take place, designate a11d_select n suitable number of persons, not less than three, in the B0 rd f officml service of the United States, residing in said State or Territory, gm,,;' 0 mmm` after consulting the head of the depzxrtmentz or office in which such persons serve, to be members of boards of examiners, and may at any (lIl\B·SLlbS(lU1tB any other person in said service living in such State or fl‘<:rr1t0ry in the place of any one so selected. Buch boards of examxnerq shall be so located as to make it: reasonably convenient und inexpensxve for applicants to attend before them; and whore there are per- Examinations, sons to be examined in any State or Territory, examinations shall be w1¤<=¤m~1¤· held therein at least twice in each year. It shall be the duty of the U, s, officials to collector, postmaster, and other omcers of the United States, at any =¤U9W_¤¤¤<>fP¤bli•= place outside of the District of Columbia where examinations are l‘“'}“‘“8" f" °*' directed by the President or by said board to be held, to allow the rea— °""mm°"‘ sormble use of the public buildings for holding such examinations, and in all proper ways to ihcilitate the same. Sec. 4. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to Secretary Iutocause suitable and convenient rooms and accommodations to be assigned *`*°” *° P‘ °"*d° or provided,_and to be furnished, heated, and lighted, at the city of $:8%;* Qyjigt Washington, for carrying on the work of said commission and said ex- g ’ ` aminatious and to cause the necessary stationery and other articles to be supplied, and the necessary printing to be done for said commission. Sec. 5. That any said commissioner, examiner, copyisb, or messenger, _ Violation of du- 01* any person in the public service who shall willfully and corruptly, *1% ¤*¤·5 P¤¤=¤l*·¥· by himself or in co-operation with one or more other persons, defeat, deceive, or obstruct any person in respect of his or her right; of examination according to any such rules 01* regulations, or who shall willfully, corruptly, and falsely mark, grade, estimate, or report upon the examination or proper standing of any person examined hereunder, or nid l in so doing, or who shall willfully and eorruptly make any false repre _\ sentations concerning the same or concerning the person examined, or who shall willfully and corruptly furnish to any person any special 01- secret information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the prospects or chances of any person so examined, or to be exammed, being appointed, employed, or promoted, shall for each such offense be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not less than ten days, nor more than one year, or by both such iine and imprisonment. _ SEO. 6. That within sixty days after the passage of $1118 act 1t_s11a.11 Secretary or me be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, in as nes1.roonform1ty as Exggfogg may be to the classification of certain clerks_ now existing under the mum cmu_ one hundred and sixtythird section of the Revised Statutes, to arrange 3,g, 163,21, in classes the several clerks and persons employed by the collector, naval officer, surveyor, and appraisers, or extner of them, or being_m the public service, at their respective ofHues m each customs dxsmct where the whole number of saiclelerks aml persons shall be :111 together as many as fifty. And thereafter, from t1me to t1me, 0n_ the direction 0f the President, said Secretary shall-make tllG‘]1kO classuicatxon or urmngement of clerks and persons so employed, gu conuecuon wnpn any said 0Hiee or offices, in any other customs {hsmct. And, upon luke re quest, and for the purposes of tlus amy, S.2ll(I Secretary shall arrange m one or more of said classes, or of eznsting classesz any other clerlgs, agents, or persons employed under hrs department 111 any smcl dxstmct Report to be not now classified ; and every snob 5l·l'1'€l]l gement and clussxiicatnon upon mms t, P,,,id,,,‘ being made shall be reported to the Presxdeut. U. S.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/432