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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/433

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406 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 27. 1883. Duties or Post- General, in general conformity to said one hundred and sixty-third soc- ¤¤¤¤¢¤¤'·G¤¤°¤l· Second. Within said sixty days it shall be the duty of the Postmastertion, to separately arrange inclasses the several clerks and persons employed, or in the public service, at each post-olhce, or under any postmaster of the United States, where the whole number of said clerks and persons shall together amount to as many as fifty. And therealter, from time to time, on the direction of tlielgresident, shalllpe theldnty of the Postmaster-General to arrange ine c asses e c er s ana persons so employed in the postal service in connectionwith any other postoftice; and every such grrasngennent and classification upon being made shall be re rted to the resident. R. S. 158, 26. Thiprd. That from time to time said Secretary, the Postmaster-General, Cl“°mF°'l°“ °f and each of the heads of departments mentioned in the one lum- }’,€°°"¤,..°°·,,,°0lf]°ir°t°` dred and fifty-eighth section of the Revised Statutes, and eacl1_ head of an office, shall, on the direction of the President, and for nicnhtating the execution of this act, respectively revise any then existing classification or arrangement of those in their respective departments and offices, and shall, for the purposes of the examination herein provided for, include in one or more of such classes, so far as practicable, subordinate places, clerks, and officers in the public service pertaining to their respective departments not before classified for examination. Aftenixmonths Sm!. 7. That after the expiration of six months from the passage of f¤>¤¤ ¤f this not no officer or clerk shall be appointed, and no person shall be

,8 md‘I;Pr
; employed to enter or be promoted in either of the said classes now ext-

,,0,,, to ,,0 md, isting, or that may be arranged hereunder pursuant to said rules, until only upon exami- lie has passed an examination, or is shown to be specially exempted ¤¤•*·i°¤» Wi- from such examination in conformity herewith. But nothing herein con- ?::'}.;':::',; of tained shall be construed to take from those honorably discharged from ,,,,,,0,,, ,;;,,,,],1,,,; in the military or naval service any preference conterred by the seventeen military or naval hundred and nfty-fourth section of the Revised Statutes, nor to take •¤"i·=¤~ hom the President any authority not inconsistent with thisact conferred §£;{f:f:;0mrE‘g_ by the seventeen hundred and fifty-third section of said statutes; nor ,,;,,t,,,,,,§m;,,,;,,,,,;,, shall any ohicer not in the executive branch of the government, or any the civil service. person merely employed as a laborer or workman, be required to be R- S- 1753- 312 classified hereunderynor, unless by direction of the Senate, shall any "• person who has been nominated for confirmation by the Senate be required to be classiied or to pass an examination. Us, ,,; ,1,,,,,,. Sm:. 8. That no person habitually using intoxicating beverages to eating beverages excess shall be appointed to, or retained. in , any ofiiee, appointment, or ¤&:?3¤¤¤ {UP *° employment to which the provisions of this act are applicable. ° y,,.. gg: g;' ,, Sec. 9. That whenever there are already two or more members of a family. family in the public service in the grades covered by this act, no other member of such ihmily shall be eligible to appointment to any of said grades. ‘ R,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,, Sec. 10. That no recommendation of any person who shall apply for tions by Repm- ofilee or place under the provisions of this act which may be given by •p¤¤•*i‘•’•• i¤ any Senator or member of the House of Representatives, except as to

  • ,‘;‘r{‘;’;’r m';m;‘f the character or residence of the applicant, shall be received or considdance, 0,,;,., t,, N, ered by any person concerned in making any examination or appointceive considcra· IDBI1h under this uct.
  • “"‘· Sec. 11. That no Senator or Representative or Territorial Delegate

Assessments, 7 . 7 ,,,;,,,,,1.;,,,,;,,,,,, ,, of the Congress, or Senator, Representative, or Delegate elect, or any eoutribm ions for officer or employee of either of said houses, and no executive, judicial, Wl:};;? Ll>¤l‘P°¤°¤ military, or naval officer of the United States, and no clerk or employee P" ‘ ‘ ° ‘ of any department, brxtncllx or} bureiné of the executive, julicialh or military or navu service o the nit tutes, shall, e ireet y or in irectl solicit or receive, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or receizz ing, any assessment, subscription, or contribution for any political purpose whatever, tron; any officer, clerk, or employee of the United States, ornny department, branch, or hureau the-root, or lrom any person receiviiig gnygznlév gresnnpcnsation iron: moneys derived irom the Treasuryo't e ui ce tu cs.