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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/435

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408 FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 34, 36. 1883. Jan. 19,1*83. CHAP. 34.-—A11 not to autlrolrizs the edahéisbmint of A free public liigluvuy in .,.———-—-——···· 0 lSH`10 0 0 IUI! 18. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United I.-,,,,, pub]; 0 States of America in Congress assembled, That the Qommissnouers of the highway, District District of Columbia are hereby authorized and directed to locate, con- °*` C°l¤mW*· struct, and maintain a free public highway on and over that port of tho turnpike road of the company incorporated by the name of “The President, Managers, and Company of the Washinggxn Turnp1ke Company" which leads from the boundary of the city of orgetown to the boundary of the District of Columbia, towards Rockville, Montgomery County, Maryland; said company being the same described in the act of Congress, approved February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and thirteen (vol- 2 stat., 808. ume two of the Statutes at Large, page eight hundred and eight), uuthorizing said company to construct and maintain aid tnrup1ke_road from the boundary of Georgetown to the boundary of the District of Columbia; and for the purpose aforesaid the said Commissioners of the ·District of Columbia shall have power to purchase, at the price of three thousand dollars, all real estate and franchises of said turnpike company necessary for the construction and maintenance of a free public highway. Appr¤pri¤ti¤¤· - Sec. 2.-That the said purchasemoney shall he paid by the Secretary of the Treasury, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, upon the order of the Commissioners of the District of Colum- . bla; and such payment shall be in full of all the real estate, rights and franchises of the said company within the District of Columbia, and shall operate as a surrender and release of said real estate, rights, and frauhwiw. chises to the Government of the United States: Provided, That the tollhouse at Tennallytowu is not to be included in said purchase, and the said company shall remove the same after reasonable notice: And provided further, That one-half of the said threethousand dollars shall be paid out of revenues derived from EBK£G¤;h ihe District of Columbia. Approved, January 19, 1883. ' CHAP. 36.-An act makin a ro 'ations for the A cultural Department of the

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0H!, IIB I' l' PI11'p0S0l. Be it enacted by the Sevwito and House of Rqresentatives of the United Appropriations Statesqf America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and g *l‘° AH”°“3°· the same are herehy,Jappropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of D°’°""°° the United States not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for · · the service for the fiscal year ending June, thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eightydhur, for the objects and purposes hereinafter expressed, name y : DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ormcn OF Gonmnssiormn. compensation of For compensation of Commissioner of Agriculture, four thousand five um Commissioner, hundred dollars; chief clerk in said department who shall be superin- °l¤*k¤» ° °· tendent of the department building, two thousand two hundred dollars, one stenographer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; chief of division of accounts aud disbursing oiilcer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant, who shall not as property clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk to dishursing 0Ecer, one thousand dollars; one engraver, two thousand dollars · two clerks of class four, three thousand six hundred dollars; two olerhs of class three, three thousand two hundred dollars; four clerks of class two, five thousand six hundred dollars; seven clerks of class one, eight thousand four hundred dollars; eight clerks at one thousand dollars each, eight thousand dollars; six clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, five thousand and forty