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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/434

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FOIITYBEVENTH CONGRESS. SESS II. C11. 27, 32, 33. 1883. 407 SBU. 12. That no person shall, in any room or building occupied in the discharge of officiul duties by any officer or employee oi the United Sgtntcs mentioned in this act, or in any navy-yard, fort, or arsenal, sohcit in any manner whatever, or receive any contribution of money or any othor thing of value for any political purpose whatever. Sec. 13. No officer or employee of the United States mentioned in this Immunity from act shall discharge, or promote, O1'.` degrade, or in manner change the °¥“°i**1 P'°“°’iP‘ official rank or compensation of any other officcr or employee, or promise “°°’ °t°‘ or threaten so to do, for giving or withholding or neglecting to make any contribution of money or other valuable thing for any political purpose. Sec. 14. That: no officer, clerk, or other person in the service of the Giving money, United States shall, directly or indirectly, give or hand over to any °*°;»F° °m°i“1¤ f" other officer, clerk, or person in the service of the United States, or to P;;*1E§?:°(§’“rP°““ amy Senator or Member of the House of Representatives, or Territorial P ` Delegate, any money or other valuable thing on account of or to be applied to the promotion of any political object whatever. ·» SEO. 15. That any person who shall be guilty of violating any pro- Penalty. vision of the {bur foregoing sections shall be deemed guilty of a misdemcanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by :1. fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for a. term not exceeding éhrec years, or by such fine and imprisonment both, in the discretion 0 t a court. Approved, January sixteenth, 1883. CHAP. 32.-—An act for the relief of Herman Biggs. Jam 1% 1883 Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and B_ hereby is, authorized to nominate aud, by and with the advice and g$“ 0L¥g’r; consent: of the Senatqto place 011 the list of retired officcrsof the United tired mt, Amy_ States Army the name of Herman Biggs, with the rank of captain of stat}`, this being the actual rank in the Regular Army held by him when, in action, he received the wound from which he suffers permanent disability: Prervided: That no pay or allowances shall accrue orbcpaid mm ~ * said Biggs under this act prior to his c<§1H§?g?%<§iE ' ' 7 . Speaker of the House of Representatives. DAVID DAVIS President of tlw Senate iam temporc. Received by the President January 6, 1883. - [Norm BY um DEPARTMENT or STATE.jTbG foregoing act having ` been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by to the house of Opngress m which it originated within the time prescmbpd by the Coustituuon of the United States, has become a law without Ins approval.] ‘` ctceu hundred and twcu ·six and njma- Jan. 19, I883. cwhxgcansz?gvuégxégfgcgvsncgioxslieugcymxl Statntcspo as to agpnd the limits -——·-···;—··· of the jurisdiction of justiccs of the peace 111 the Territories of \Vashmgton, Idaho, and Montana. ‘ tc and House 0 epresen a was 0 ze m c gtaB;_: 4:;[l€;,'04;9-regs assembled, That sections nineteen hundred 1é.g.}'éi, and twenty-six and nineteen hundred and twentyseven of tim Revised Aimgudodz · Statutes of the United States are hereby amended by striking out the word **Washiugt0n," and the words “Idaho, Montgmm,” where they cccur in said section nineteen hundred and twenty-six, mid mserting the mid words immediately after the word “Colorado · where the 631110 0c- curs in said section nineteen hundred and twenty-seven. — · Approved, J zmmuy 19, 1883.