422 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 51, 52. 1883. legal representatives, for similar services on the fourtl, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth days of September, eighteen hundred and srxtyjfour ; said sum to be distributed to the said officers and crews according to the laws of the United States governing the distribution of prize-money: Proviaoo. Provided, That for the purpose of such distribution the officers and crew detached as aforesaid who manned the Takiang shall be regarded as a part of the forces of the Wyoming on the sixteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and according to their rank and position on the eighth day of September, eighteen hundred and sixty-four; And provided further, That in such distribution no payment shall be made to the assignee of any maxiner, but to the mariner himself only or to his duly-authorized attorney, cor, in case of his decease, to his legal representatives or their duly-authorized attorney. g` Approved, February 22, 1883. Feb. 22, I3 CHAP. 52.-An act to authorize the construction of certain bridges, and to estab- ·-————--— lish them as post-roads. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqiresentatives of the United Bd , ,,,0,, States of America in Congress accembled, That it shall be lawful for the Lakedglmnplain. Lamoille Valley Extension Railroad Company, and the Ogdensbnrgh and Lake Champlain Railroad Company, and their respective successors and assigns, to construct a bridge across Lake Champlain from Alburgh, Vermont, to Rouse’s Point, New York, for the purpose of connecting the railroads of said companies, and to maintain and use the said bridge for the transportation of the mails, and for the benefit of commerce and the transportation of persons and property. The said bridge shall be built on the north side of the existing bridge connecting the said Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain Railroad with the Vermont and Canada Railroad, but not to interfere with or in any way injure said existing bridge or its usc. The bridge authorized by this act shall be constructed and maintained with two suitable draws, one of which shall be at least sixty feet wide, and the other at least ninety feet wide, which shall be opposite to and made to correspond with the draws in the ~ existing bridge, so as to a&'ord the best passage of vessels through the · draws of both said bridges. prldge across Sec. 2. That it shall be lawful for the Lamoille Valley Extension K¤¤¤¤q¤<>! BW- Railroad Company, their successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and use, for the passage of cars, a bridge across Missisquoy Bay, from the town of Swantonto the town of Alburgh Vermont. The said bridge may be constructed either north or south of the existing bridge across said bay of the Vermont and Canada Railroad Company, but shall be so constructed as not to injure or in any way interfere with the use and operation of said existing bridge. The bridge authorized by this section DFW- shall be constructed with a suitable draw for the passage of vessels, as wide as the draw in the existing bridge, and so located as to give vessels the best facilities for passing the draws of both said bridges. Free navigation Sec. 3. That the said bridges shall not interfere with the free navir>r¤¤¤r*¤d· gation of said lake and bay, respectively, beyond what is necessary in order to carry into effect the rights and privileges hereby granted; and in case of any litigation arising from anyobstruction or alleged obstruction to the freenavigation of said lake or bay the cause may be tried before the district court of the United States oi any State in which any Signals. portion of said obstruction or bridge touches; and that the draws of the said bridges shall be opened promptly upon reasonable signal for the passage of boats. Declared ¤ law- Sec. 4. That any bridge constructed under this act and according to 2km3m *****1 its limitations shall be a lawful structure, and shall be known and recognized as a post-route, and the same is hereby declared to be a post-route, upon which also no higher charge shall be made for the transmission