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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/125

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. UH. 180. 1884. 97 to Congress at its next session, he may direct that purchases may be made in open market in amount not exceeding three thousand dollars. _ _ _ SBU. 4. That so much of the appropriations herein made as may be AP£°P““*"’”.§°‘ required to pay for goods and supplies, and for transportation of the gi:) “:,j’,f,‘j‘•“"“‘ "' same, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eiglity—` five, shall be immediately available; but 110 such goods or supplies shall be distributed or delivered to any of said Indians prior to July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-four; and the Secretary of the In- Trnnsier of surterior, under the direction of the President, may use any surplus that P}" of °Pl2’*ZP'“*j inay remain in any of the said appropriations herein made for the pur- ;;°§Qb:fs‘::n:;°”°’ chase of subsistence for the several Indian tribes, to an amount not ` <·xce•·din g twenty-tive thousand dollars in the aggregate, to supply any subsistence deficiency that may occur: Provided however, That funds Proviao. appropriated to fulfill treaty obligations shall not be so used: And pro- Pmviao. ruled further, That any diversions which shall be made under authority of this section shall be reported in detail, and the reasons therefor, to Congress, at the session of Congress next succeeding such diversion: And pmridcdfurtlier, That the Secretary of the Interior, under the di- Promorection of the President, may use any sums appropriated in this act for subsistence, and not absolutely necessary ior that purpose, for the purchase of stock cattle for the benefit of the tribe for which such appropriation is made, or for the assistance of such Indians to become ihriners, and shall report to Congress, at its next session thereafter, an account of his action under this provision. S20. 5. That when not required for the purpose for which appro- Qivorsionofcerprinted, the funds herein provided for the pay of specified employees fiam °PP*'°P“"‘ at any agency may be used by the Secretary of the Interior for the pay °"°' of other employees at such agency, but no deficiency shall be thereby created, and, when necessary, specified employees may be detailed for other service when not required for the duty for which they were engaged; and that the several appropriations herein made for millers blacksiniths, engineers, carpenters, physicians, and other persons, and tor various articles provided for by treaty stipulation for the several Indian tribes, may be diverted to other uses for the benefit of the said tribes, respectively, within the discretion of the President, and with the consent of said tribes, expressed in the usual manner; and that he ' cause report to be made to Congress, at its next session thereafter, of his action under this provision. Sec. 6. That the President may, in his discretion, consolidate two or president author. more agencies into one; and where Indians are located on reservations ized to consolidate created by executive order, he may, with the consent of the tribes to be *8°“°*°°· affected thereby, expressed in the usual manner, consolidate one or more tribes, and abolish such agencies as are thereby rendered unnecessary ; and preference shall at all times, as fur as practicable, be given to Indians in the employment of clerical, mechanical, and other help on reservations and about agencies. Sec. 7 That whenever, after advertising for bids for supplies in Bidstorsupplies, accordance with section three of this act, those received for any article °*°&dm'*Y "° ’°‘ contain conditions detrimental to the interest of the Government, they j°° ‘ may be rejected and the articles specified in such bids purchased in _ open market, at prices not to exceed those of the lowest bidder, and not P·;£¤¤l¤¤¤¤*¤°P¤¤ to exceed the market price of the same, until such time as satisfactory m'" °°‘ bids can be obtained, for which immediate advertisement shall be made. — Sec. 8. 1`hat any disbursing or other oftlcer of the United States, or Mimpresentsother person, who shall knowingly present, or cause to be presented, !=i¢¤¤¤¤¤f¤¢¤¤¢¤·» any voucher, account, or claim to any officer of the United States, for ggzzg ";‘;°l;'jQ,;’j nppruvul or payment, or fo1‘ the purpose of securing it credit in any p,m,,i§y_ ’ account with the United States, relating to any matter pertaining to rho Indian service, which shall contain any material misrepresentation of mm in regard to the amount due or paid, the name or character of the article lurnislied or received, or of the service rendered, or to the date of piirclnisc, delivery, or performance of service, or in any other particuumu--?