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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/126

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98 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 180,181. 1884. lar, shall not be entitled to payment or credit for any part of said voucher, account, or claim; and if any such credit shall be given or received, or payment made, the United States may recharge the same to the officer or person receiving the credit or payment, and recover the amount from either or from both, in the same manner as other debts hm"'- due the United States are collected: Provided, That where an account contains more than one voucher the foregoing shall apply only to such vouchers as contain the misrepresentation: And provided further, That the oiiiicers and persons by and between whom the business is transacted shall, in all civil actions in settlement of accounts, be presumed to know the facts in relation to the matter set forth in the voucher, account, or claim: And provided further, That the foregoing shall be in addition to the penalties now prescribed by law, and in no way affect proceedings under existing law for like offenses. That where practicable this section shall be printed on the blank forms of vouchers provided for general use. Indian agents to Sec. 9. That hereafter each Indian agent be required, in his annual ¤¤¤k¤ ¤·¤¤¤¤i PB- report, to submit a census of the Indians at his agency or upon the P°“· reservation under his charge, the number of males above eighteen years of age, the number of females above fourteen years of age, the number of school children between the ages of six and sixteen years, the number of school-houses at his agency, the number of schools in operation and the attendance at each, and the names of teachers employed and salaries paid such teachers. Proceedsofsaleof Sec. 10. That no part of the expenses of the public lands service I“d'°“ l‘{Pd*{;,°*‘;-· shall be deducted irom the proceeds of Indian lands sold through the §;;,c;§,;f?pu1ug General Land Office, except as authorized by the treaty or agreement ind, 8,,,-vgc,_ providing for the disposition of the lands. Sale of Govern- Sec. 11. That at any of the Indian reservations where there is now {D2'}; g1°P;•;'gn_*:_’ on hand Government property not required for the use and benefit of mm,. disposal of the Indians at said reservations the Secretary of the Interior is hereby pmceéds, authorized to move such property to other Indian reservations where it may be required, or to sell it and apply the proceeds of the same in the purchase of such articles as may be needed for the use of the Indians for whom said property was purchased; and he shall make report ‘ of his action hereunder to the next session of Congress thereafter. Approved, July 4, 1884. July 4, 1$4. CHAP. 18].-An act making appropriations for the payment of invalid and other ——-———· pensions of the United States for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Pensions- States of Amerika in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, Appr<>vri¤fi¤¤¤- and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasmy not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of pensions for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eightyfive, and for other purposes, namely: Army and Navy For Army and Navy pensions as follows: For invalids, widows, minor pensions. children, and dependent relatives, and survivors and widows of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve,twenty million dollars; and any balance Unexpondodbgd of the appropriation for the above purposes for the current fiscal year LQ)? ;_’£_:PP;'gP;;:_‘ that may remain unexpended on the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred ml pp P and eighty-four, estimated at sixty-six million dollars, is hereby reappropriated and made available for the service of the year ending June Proviso: income thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-tive: Provided, That the appro-

  • m,N=*gY“P;{*;*gg priations aforesaid for Navy pensions shall be paid from the income of

yvmpdatfon ,-0,. the Navy pension fund, so far as the same may be sufficient for that avy pensions.