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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/127

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 181. 1884. 99 purpose: And provided further, That the amount expended under each Proviao. of the above items shall be accounted for separately. For tees and expenses of examining surgeons, five hundred thousand Fees of oxsnnindollars. ing surgeons. For pay and allowances of pension agents: For salary, fees for pre- pension ggentw paring vouchers, rent, fuel, lights, and postage on letters to the Executive Departments and to pensioners, three hundred thousand dollars: Prmrided, That from and after July first eighteen hundred and eighty- Promo. four agents for the payment of pensions shall receive only twelve dollars and fifty cents for each one hundred vouchers, or at that rate for a pay nf ,,g,,,,t,,_ fraction of one hundred, prepared and paid by any agent in excess of four thousand vouchers per annum. For contingent expenses of pension agencies, ten thousand dollars. Contingent or- 3 "`UU5. That the act entitled "An act relating to claim agents and attorneys Pcglzgrrloay? whois in pension cases," approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and in P¤¤¤i?¤ ¤=*¤<>¤= seventyeight, is hereby repealed: Provided however, That the rights “";Q}“°‘"g°°· "*° of the parties shall not be abridged or aifected as to contracts in pond- Pegg SQMH Q4;]' ing cases, as provided for in said act; but such contracts shall be deemed p,,,,,;,,_ to be and remain in full force and virtue, and shall be recognized as contemplated by said act. Sec. 2. That sections forty-seven hundred and sixty-eight, forty- R- S- 4768. 997. seven hundred and sixty-nine, and forty-seven hundred and eighty-six §·£,8g1°;j9g”h§{· of the Revised Statutes are hereby made applicable also to 51 cases ,,,,,1;,,,;;,, mmccf hereai'ter,·liled with the Commissioner of Pensions, and to all cases tain owes. so filed since June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and whiclfhavc not been heretofore allowed, except as hereinafter provided. SEO. 3. That section forty-seven hundred and eighty-tive of the Re- R- S- 4785. 939. visrd Statutes is hereby reenacted and amended soas to read as follows: a"fl‘;:?,‘;fd " “ d “ Sec. 4785. No agent or attorney or other person shall demand or re- Fm of ¤¤*¤r¤3¤y ceive any other compensation for his services in prosecuting aclaim for ggmpmmtmg pension or bounty land than such as the Commissioner of Pensions shall direct tobespaid to him, not exceeding twenty-nve dollars; nor shall such agent, attorney or other person demand or receive such compensation, in whole or in part, until such pension or bouutydand claim shall be allowed: Provided, That in all claims allowed since June twentieth Proviao. eighteen hundred and seventy-eight where it shall appear to the satis- Foes not paid in faction of the Commissioner of Pensions that the fee of ten dollars, or ¤¤f¤¤i¤ ¢=¤¤¤¤ to be any part thereon has not been paid, he shall cause the same to be de- g‘;‘::_‘°““"°m¥°“‘ ducted from the pension, and the pension agent to pay the same to the recognized attorney. Sec. 4. That section forty-seven hundred and eighty-six of the Re- R- 8- 4786. 920- vised Statutes is hereby amended so as to read as follows: “ Sec. 4786. The agent or attorney of record in the prosecution of Agreement for the case may cause to be tiled with the Commissioner of Pensions, dupli- ¤¤¤<>¤¤* Of f¤·> t0 cate articles of agreement, without additional cost to the claimant, set- °° md · ting forth the fee agreed upon by the parties, which agreement shall be executed in the presence of and certiiied by some officer competent to administer oaths. In all cases where application is made for- pension Fw in com of or bounty land, and no agreement is tiled with the Commissioner as £" U :‘;;t*° 61* herein provided, the fee shall be ten dollars and no more. And such gr°° ‘ articles of agreement as may hereafter be tiled with the Commissioner of Pensions are not authorized, nor will they be recognized except in Articivnofngrwclaims for original pensions, claims for increase of pension on account of m,;",? ‘;*°·· °:;:_f‘ a new disability, in claims for restoration where a pensioners name has ,,:1, ° been or may hereafter be dropped from the pension rolls on testimony taken by a special examiner, showing that the disability or cause of death, on account of which the pension was allowed, did not originate in the line of duty, and in cases of dependent relatives whose names have been or may hereatter he, dropped hom the rolls on like testimony, upon the ground of nondependencc, and in such other cases of diillculty and trouble as the Commissioner of Pensions may see fit to