FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 181, 182. 1884. 101 Any agent or attorney or other person instrumental in prosecuting B¤¤=¤{y for Vi<>- any claim for pension or bounty land, who shall directly or indirectly l"*";“ Qt ““” '°l“*‘ contract for, demand or receive or retain any greater compensation for M °°m` his services or instrumentality in prosecuting a claim for pension or bounty land than is herein provided, or for payment thereof at any other time or in any other manner than is herein provided, or who shall Wl'0Il_Qfl\llj’ withhold from a pensioner or claimant the whole or any part of the pension or claim allowed and due such pensioner or claimant, or the land warrant issued to any such claimant, shall be deemed guilty of Hi misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall for every such offense be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisoned at hard lalaor not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 5. That the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe rules and Secretary of Inregulutions governing the recognition of agents, attorneys, or other *¤1'i°1' *0 P1‘¢¤<=1'ib° persons representing claimants before his department, and may require Luci: if f';;' of such persons, agents, and attorneys, before being recognized as rep- Bm jnpmscggtjou reseutatives of claimants, that they shall show that they are of good of claims. moral character and in good repute, possessed of the necessary qualifications to enable them to render such claimants valuable service, and otherwise competent to advise and assist such claimants in the presentation of their claims and such Secretary may, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, suspend or exclude from further practice before his department any such person, agent or attorney shown 4:0 be incompctent, disreputable, or who refuses to comply with the said rules and _ regulations, or who shall with intent to defraud in any manner deceive, mislead, or threaten any claimant, or prospective claimant, by word, circular letter, or by advertisement. Sec. The Commissioner shall have power, subject to review by the Coinmissiouer of Secretary, to reject or refuse to recognize any contract for fees, herein P°¤¤¤°¤¤ MY fi: provided for, whenever it shall be made to appear that any undue ad- :;!“"`“°*'“ ' vantage has been taken • the claimant in respect to such contract. ’ ' Approved, July 4, 1884. . 8 .— a 'din for two additional ia s ‘ cs f o cgeg %‘er2ritoAry] 0?63;$a, 058 additional amocixhstgegzfttiie gugcgneggsxg the Territory of Washington and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqzrescntatives of the United Snlnmmo _ court States of America in Oongress assembled, That hereafter the supreme °f °¤'¤*°¤°¤ °* court of the Territory of Dakota sb all consist of a chief justice and five £“]f:;" gd;??; associate justices, any five of whom shall constitute a quorum. oribaorjmaca and Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the President to appoint two ad- live associate jusditional associate justices of said supreme court, in manner now pro- '*°°¤· _ _ . vided by law, who shall hold their offices for the term of four years, and B? until their successors are appointed and qualitied. sociafc justices. Sec. 3. That the said Territory shall be divided into six judicial dis- T·-¤·¤u_ ¤·tQ<>t1ic¤._ tricts, and 21. district court shall be held in each district by one of the :’_“***°*“1 d'°‘ justices of the supreme court, at such time and place as may be pre- *%;:],,5 of comm scribed by law. Each judge, after assignment, shall reside in the dis- Residence. trict to which he is assigned. _ _ Sec. 4. That until changed by the legislative assembly of said Ter- Q°¤¤¤¤¤ °°*:é; ritory, the fifth district of said 'I`erritory shall consist of the following g‘:,,,m_ counties, namely : Brookins, Kingsbury, Beadle, Denel, Hamlin, Grant, Codington, Clark, Day, Spink, Brown, Hand, Hyde, Hughes, Sully, Edmunds, Faulk, Mc l’herson,Potte1·, Campbell, Roberts, and Wal worth, and the Sisseton and Wahpeton Indian Reservation. And the second Second and district and the fourth district shall consist of the remainder of the Ter- f°¥¤'*h.i¤*“°W *1* ritory which now constitutes said second district and fourth district, °“°"‘ respectively as denned by the statutes of said Territory.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/129