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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/130

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102 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 182. 1884. Cpuuties consti- Sno, 5, That until changed by the legislature 0i' said Territory, the

 stgdzfth sixth district shall consist of the following counties, namely: Bowman,

J Villard, Billings, Dunn, McKenzie, Allred, Buford, Flannery, Wzillace, Mountraille, \Villiams, Start, Hcttinger, Morton, Mercer, McLean, Stevens, Renville, Wyiin, Bottineau, McHenry, Sheridan, Burleigh, Emmons, Mclutosh, Logan, Kidder, Wehs, De Smet, Rolette, Towner, Benson, Foster, Stutsmau, La Moure, Deckey, Griggs, Steel, and arnes. Assignment of Sec. 6. That temporarily, and until otherwise ordered by law, the ““°°‘“*’° J°°*'°°°· additional associate justices to be appointed under this act are hereby assigned to said fifth and sixth districts, and the time and place as now iixed by the statutes of said Territory for holding court therein shall remain until changed by law. Jurisdiction. Sec. 7. That the district court for said fifth judicial district shall have no jurisdiction to try, hear, or determine any matter or cause wherein the United States is a party, and no United States grand or petit jury shall be summoned in said court, but said fifth district is hereby attached to and made a part of the second judicial district for the purpose of hearing and determining all matters and causes arising within said fifth district in which the United States is a party. _J·n·isdietion in Sec. 8. That the district court for said sixth judicial district shall 2*%**:* J"d*°l°l dw have and possess jurisdictiontotry, hear, and determineall matters and "° " causes that the court of any district in said Territory now possesses. And Terms or court for such purposes two terms of said court shall be held annually in the M B*°*·*¤*°k· city of Bismarck, in the county of Burleigh, and a grand and petit jury Grand and petit shall be summoned thereon in the manner now required by law in the . 5¤¤’· Uni ted States courts in said Territory. Supreme com Sec. 9. That hereafterthe supreme court of the Territory of Washof dw f1`¤¤‘i¤>¤‘y of ington shall consist of a chief justice and three associate justices, any 2g:;;‘t‘§,.g;&” t° three of whom shall constitute a quorum, but no justice shall act as a Q,,,,,.,,,,;member of the supreme court in any action or proceeding brought to Justicenottoact such court by writ of error, bill of exceptions, or appeal irom a decision, ns e meviiwr vf tim judgment or decree rendered by him as judge of a district court. Ellpl`0Lll6 CO`l11't, "'l;°"· immcut 0,. Sec. 10. That it shall be the duty of the President to appoint one adongpgditional M_ ditional associate justice of said supreme court, in manner now provided sociate justice. bylaw, who shall hold his office for the term of four years, and until his successor is appointed and qualihed. Judicial din- Sec. 11. That the said Territory shall be divided into four judicial mglgid ,6 mms districts, and a district court shall be held in each district by one of the ° °justices of the supreme court thereof at such time and place as may be Residence of prescribed by law. Each judge, after assignment, shall reside in the .l¤dz¢¤· district to which he is assigned. Counties consti- Sec. 12. That until changed by the legislative assembly of said Tertu tin z first dis- ritory, the first district of said Territory shall consist of the counties of _ *“°”· Wahwalla, Columbia, Gariield, Assotian, Franklin, Adams, Whitman, and Spokane; the second, of the counties of Pierce, Thurston, Mason, Chehalis, Lewis, Pacific, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, and Clarke; the third of the counties of King, Kitsap, Jefferson, Clallam, Island, San Juan, \Vhatcom, Skagit and Snohomish, and the fourth of the counties gf Skamania, Klickitat, Yakima, Kittitas, Douglas, Lincoln, and tevens. Assignment or Sec. 13. That temporarily, and until otherwise ordered by law, the ¤9i<i¤¤§>¤¤} ¤¤¤¤· additional associate justice to be appointed under this act is hereby as- °”““ J“°°‘°°‘ signed to said iourth district thereof and the time and place as now iix— ed by the statutes of said Territory for holding court therein shall re main until changed by law. Procedure. Sec. 14. That all olfenses committed before the passage of this act shall be prosecuted, tried, and determined in the same manner and with the same effect (except as to the number of judges) as if this act had not been passed. Approved, July 4, 1884.