FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ou. 217. 1884. 107 CQAP. 217.——An act; making appropriations for the support of the Army for the July 5, 1884. hscnl year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-Eve, and for other —$—·-7 PIIIIOSPS. Bc it enactedpy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States QI America in Congress assembled, Tha: the following sums be, Army nppmpria.- 3ild the same are hereby. appropriated, out, of any money in the Treas- tions for year ¤¤d— ury not otherwise appropriated, for the supports of the Army for the mg J“”° 3°» 1885- year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eigbtyfive, as follows: For expenses of the Commanding Genera1’s Office, one thousand Commanding seven hundred and fifty dollars. Generals omcs. For expenses of recruiting and transportation of recruits from ren- Recruiting. dezvous to depot, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. And no money appropriated by this act shall be paid for recruiting the Army beyond the number of twenty-five thousand enlisted men, including Indian scouts and hospital-stewards; and thereafter there shall be no more than twenty-five thousand enlisted men in the Army at any one time, unless otherwise authorized by law. For contingent expenses of the Adjutant-Genera.l’s Department at Contingencies the headquarters of military divisions and departments, two thousand five hundred dollars. For expenses of the Signal Service of the Army: Purchase, equip- Big¤,3_1Sa;rvigg, ment, and repair of Held-electric telegraphs; signal equipments and stores; binocular glasses, telescopes, and other necessary instruments; telephone apparatus, and maintenance of same, five thousand dollars. PAY DEPAnTMENT.—For pay of the Army: For one Lieutenant- WY- General; three major-generals; fifteen brigadier-generals; twenty-three aids-de-camp, in addition to pay in the line; one military secretary, in addition to pay in the line; sixtysix colonels; eighty-five lieutenantcolonels; two hundred and forty-one majors; three hundred and eleven captains (mounted); three hundred and one captains (not mounted); thirty-bur chaplains; fourteen storekeepers; forty adjutants; forty regimental quartermasters; adjutant and quariaermaster of Engineer Battalion, in addition to pay in the line; two huudredpnd eighteen first lieutenants (mounted) ; three hundred and nity first lieutena ntsénot mounted); one hundred and forty-tive second lieutemmts (mount ); three hundred second lieutenauts (not mounted)- one hundred and eighty acting eommissaries of subsistence, in addition to pay in line; additional Additional psy. pay to officer in charge of public building and grounds in Washington; additional pay to officer in command of the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, one thousand dollars; additional pay to officers of foot regiments while on duty which requires them to be mounted; additional pay to oiilcers for length of service, to be paid with their L<>¤s¢Vi*¥ P*Y current monthly pay; pay to enlisted men for length of serxdce, payable with their current monthly pay; retired ohicers; for the payment of any such officers as may be in service, either upon the active or retired list, during the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eightyfive, in excess of the numbers for each class provided for in this act; enlisted men of all grades, not exceeding twenty-five thousand _ men; the allowances ior travel, retained pay, and clothing not; drawn, M¤!¤¤s•¤- payable to enlisted men on discharge; two retired ordnance-sergeants; and for interest on deposits of enlisted men; for mileage of officers of the Army for travel, over shortest usually traveled routes, not to exceed one hundred and sixty thousand dollars; for miscellaneous expenses, to Miscellaneous. wit: Hire of not exceeding seventy-five contract surgeons and one hundred and sixty hospital-matrons; extra-duty pay to enlisted men for service in hospitals- pay of fifty paymastefs clerks, at the rate of one thousand tour hundred dollars each per annum, and fourteen veterinary surgeons; hire of pa.ymasters’ messencers, not to exceed fifte-en tlmusand dollars; post quu.rtermaster sergeants; cost of telcgrams on official business received and sent by onicers of the Army; compensation of citizen clerks and witnesses attending npon comes, martial, military commissions, and courts of inquiry; for reunbursement
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