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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/136

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108 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C1-1. 217. 1884. of traveling expenses of paymasters’ clerks actually paid by them ; and tor commutation of quarters to commissioned officers on duty without troops at places where there are no public quarters; in all, twelve million P"°¢`*?°¥ ¤>l¤*i*’•{ one hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter any EQ., rY“`m°{°°°° °t puymaster of the rank of major who has served twenty years in the {tem:;`!:-e4¥u`;}1ii::;¤a(i} United States Army as 51 commissioned officer may, upon his own applinumber mi cation or by direction of the President, be placed upon the retired-list of the Army, until the Pay Department shall be reduced to thirty-tive members, as iollows : One Paymaster-General,with the rank of brigadiergeneral ; two assistant paymasters-general, with the rank of colonel; three deputy paymasters-general, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and twenty-nine paymasters, with the rank of major; and no more appointments of paymasters shall be made in the Pay Department until the number shall be reduced below twenty-nine majors, and thereotter the number of officers in the Pay Department shall not exceed thirty-five : Pnmuw. Prmzidedfurther, That nothing herein snail be construed to change the R.s. i22Q, 216. present relative rank of any officer now in the pay corps: Amlpmvided Dew} of ¤¤i¤¤¥¤ further, That section twelve hundred and twe11ty—5ve of the Revised Stat- 2 :1, °P;f°“s;';¤,f°Q utes, relating to the detail of officers of the Army to oct as presidents, 0,- iué,,,},,,,,,,, mh superintendents, and professors of colleges and universities, be so amended as to read “ but the number of officers so detailed shall not exceed forty at any time," instead of thirty, as now provided by act of July fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, amendatory of said section. summanco. SU12s1s1·ENoE·0F THE ARMY.-—For rations for twenty-five thousand enlisted men, one thousand five hundred and live civil employees, seventy-five contract surgeons, one hundred and sixty hospital-matrous, two hundred military convicts, one thousand prisoners of war (including such Indian prisoners as are captured but whose subsistence is not otherwise appropriated for by Congress), and for additional halt-rations for one hundred and twenty sergeauts and corpomls of ordnance, a. total of not exceeding ten million twohundred and twenty thousand rations, estimated at twenty cents each; for diiierenee between the cost of the ration and commutation thereof, at rates prescribed by the Seeretary of War, for the following enlisted men, namely: Those detailed for clerical and messenger duty at headquarters of the Army, mul ut headquarters of division s, departments, districts, and general mcruitin g service, and for various duties at military posts and stations, those traveling on detached duty where it is impmcticable to carry cooked or travel rations, and those ordered to participate in department, division, and Army ride competition ; for diiierenoe between the cost of the ration · and the cost of cooked mtions for enlisted men and recruits at recruiting stations; cost in excess of ordinary rations of hot coffee and canned » food, or travel-ration, for troops traveling, when it is impmctieable to cook mtions; for subsistence of Indians visiting military posts and of Indians employed without pay as guides and scouts; in all, one million Amount of up- nine hundred thousand dollars; of which amount three hundred thoug1r¤pri:¤ti¤n_i:mm¤· sand dollars shall be uvmlable from and after the passage of this act for °*°]Y °‘*"m’l°· the purchase of stores necessary to be transported to distant posts in advance of the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred mul eighty-tive: Prvviw. ’ Provided, ~Tlmt hereafter all sales of subsistence supplies to oftieers and wglezolf ~•u}>?;¤;~ enlisted men shall be mmle at cost pnce only; and the cost price of cm ·M cog? ,» eaolr article snail be understood, m gall cases of such sales, to be the ' invoice price of the lost lot of that article received by the officer making the sale prior to the Erst day of the month in which the sale is mmle. Limit of amount And not more than one hundred and five thousand dollars of the money ggnygzgllw ° m· appropriated by this parograph shall be applied to the payment of civilian employees in the Subsistence Department of the Army. Qugxrtenizzzsteis QUARTERMASTER’S Dm>·Au·u1mz·1·.-For the regular supplies of the ¤**PPl*°*- Quartermastefs Department, consisting of stoves for heating and cooking; of thel and lights for enlisted men, guards, hospitals, storehouses, and otflces, and for sale to odieers; of forage m kind for the horses, mules, and oxen of the Qua.rterma.ater’s Department at the several posts