FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. I. C1:. 217. 1884. 111 contracts of every kind made by the Quartermasteis Department shall be oromptly reported to the Secretary of War, for transmission annually t0 L»un g:res§: Provided also, That hex-eaiter the Quan-te;-master-General Prvvfvvanll hm officers, under his instructions, wherever stationed, shall recenve, transport, and be responsible for all property turned over to Property for them, or any one ot; them, by the officers or agents of any Government G'°"°'“““?”* °'““ survey, lor the N atumal Museum, or for the civil or naval departments Eggs; 1g2'T;'am1M;` of the Government, in YVashington or elsewhere, under the regulations ported, em., mmgovermug the transportation of Army supplies, the amount paid for dimions of. such transportation to be rehmded or paid by the Bm·eau_ to which such property or stores pertain. For the payment for Army transportation lawfully due such lzmd- P¤ym¤¤¤¤_¤¤ grant railroads as have not received aid in Government bonds, to be 1"·“d‘€'““" "“*1‘ eclyusted by the proper accounting officers in accordance with the decis· r°“d°' nous of the Supreme Court in cases decided under such land-grant acts, but m no case shall more than fifty per centum of the full amount of the eervme be paid, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Promvled, That such compensation shall be computed upon the basis of Pmvm. the tariff rates for like transportation performed for the public at large, and shall be accepted as in full for all demands for said services For barracks and quarters for troops, store-houses for the safe keep· B¤·¤‘¤¤k¤ ¤¤•i ing of military stores, for offices, and for grounds for camp and summer q‘"“'*‘°"“· cuutonments, and for temporary buildings at frontier stations; for the construction of temporary buildings and stables, and for repairing publie buildings at established posts, seven hundred thousand dollars: Provided, '1 hat no expenditure exceeding five hundred dollars shall be Pfvvivvmade upon any building or military post without the approval of the Approval vf Sey- Secretary of War for the same, upon detailed estimates of the Quarter- '°"‘“`·Y 2t3W" “‘ master’s Department, and the erection, construction, and repairs of all $:5::, °cxm; buildings and other public structures in the QH3PtBPm&St0f’S Depart- ew. ’. ment shall, so far as may be practicable, be made by contract, after due legal advertisement: Provided: That not more than one million five Arppuut vifpqytv hundred thousand dollars of the sums appropriated by this act shall 1“'“"°‘l• be paid out for the services of civilian employees in the Quartermastefs ' Department, including those heretofore paid out of the funds appro prioted for regular supplies, incidental expense , barracks and quarters, Army transportation, clothing, and camp and garrison equipage; and that no employee paid therehom shall receive as salary more than one hundred and fifty dollars per month, unless the same shall be specially fixed by law. For construction and repair of hospitals, as reported by the Surgeon- Coustgu c tion General of the Army, including the pay of enlisted men employed·¤!2d£P¤¤ of l¤¢>¢~· on extra duty in the same one hundred thousand dollars. Pl For cloth, woolcns, materials, and for the manufacture of clothing for Clothing a n d the Army; for issue and for sales at cost price, according to the Army ¤¤¤¤1> ¤q¤¤p¤z¤- regulations; for altering and iitdng clothing when neeepsary; for equipage and for packing, and similar necesssmes, one mxlhou fom- hundred thousand dollars. For all contingent expenses of the Army not provided for by other Contingent gxestimates, and embracing all branches of the mihtury service, to be ex- ;’&*$ ":$3;m**:} pended under the immediate orders of the Secretary of War, thirty Secretary of Wu thousand dollars. Mmnxcn. DEPARTMENT.—FOT purchase of medical and hospital sup- Medical and hasplies, expenses of purveying depots, pay of employees, medical care and 1>¤¤¤l ¤¤1>v¤¢¤· treatment of officers and enlisted men of the Army on duty at posts and stations for which no other provision is made, advertising, and other Augonut or pay miscellaneous expenses of the Medical D0}l3Y©lTl€Dt! two hundred and V; ¤;§}£;d¤m· twenty-five tlwussmd dollaxg. not over tlnartygg ahousa.{l•1 ;i;>l\€,;-g P °Y ‘ · of the mono u ro riate y t ns pamngrup s e opp IC 0 e pdyment of clvilllgn Employees in the Medical Department. That om- dgcfm cam of the Medical Department shall take rank and precedence m ae- Bw_, how dew_ conlance with date of commission or appointment, and ball be so bm-ue mined.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/139