112 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 217. 1884. _P¤‘¢>*i¤¢>; P1‘<>Y<>¤- on the 0iHciolArmy Register: Provided, That the medical officers of
l;""Q‘)2“:i§‘f the Army and contract surgeons shall whenever practicable attend the
,:0,,,, 0m:`°}~me_ families of the officers and soldiers free of charge. Arm y Medical .For the Army Medical Museum, including ordinary repairs of the M““"“”‘· museum hall, preservation of specimens, and the preparation or purchase of new specimens, five thousand dollars; for the library of the Surgen-Genem1’s Ofnce, ten thousand dollars; in all, fifteen thousand dollars. E¤$*¤¤$¤ •1¤P<>*> ENG1N12:m2, DEPLRTMENT.—FOI engineer depot at Willet’s Point, “° Wum “P°“"" New York, namely: For purchase of engineering materials to continue the present course of instruction of the Engineer Battalion in their special duties of sappers, miners, and pontoniers, one thousand dollars. For incidental expenses of the depot, remodeling ponton-trains, repairing instruments, purchasing fuel, forage, stationery, chemicals, pro— iessionul books thr library, extrwduty pay to enlisted men employed as artisans, and ordinary repairs, three thousand dollars. Quurtem mi- ser- For erection of a small building as quarters for at sergeant, whose &<*>=*¤*· ****3- duties require him to live near the torpedo property under his immediate charge, one thousand two hundred dollars. _ Ordnance new- Ommnmcm Dnrnnmmur.-For the ordnance service, required to ¤¤*¤— deiruy the current expenses at the arsenals; of receiving stores and issuing arms and other ordnance supplies; of police and office duties; of rents, tools, fuel, and lights; of stationery and office furniture; of tools and instruments for use; incidental expenses of the ordnance service, and those attending practical trials and tests of ordnance, smallarms, and other ordnance supplies, one hundred thousand dollars. lletnllic ¤mmu· For manufacture of metallic ammunition for small arms, one hundred m *°“- thousand dollars. Target practice. hFor ammunition, tools, and material for target practice, twenty-flve t onsand dollars. Mounting and For mounting and dismounting guns and removing the armament di¤¤¤<>¤¤ti¤g gulls, from forts being modified or repaired, including heavy carriages re-
*m1;‘;¥'::'=“_ of turned to arsenals for alteration and repairs, and other necessary ext,a_du,Jy },ay_' ’ pauses of the same character, and for repairing ordnance and ordnance
stores in the hands of troops and for issue at the arsenals and depots and for extra duty pay for enlisted men detailed for ordnance service, twenty-five thousand dollars. Pumnum an ei For purchase and manufacture of ordnance stores, to illl requisitions g;5‘1;:‘;“&'j:_2;°* of troops, one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. Equipments- For infantry, cavalry, and artillery equipments, consisting of clothing bags, haversacks, canteens, and greet-coat straps, and repairing horse equipments for cavalry troops, seventy-iivo thousand dollars. For horse equipments for cavalry, harness for field and machine guns, and for cavalry forge carts, forty thousand dollars. pmm-wm,,,, of For overhanling, cleaning, and preserving new ordnance stores on nsw or nuance hand at the arsenals, twenty thousand dollars. 3 giiiiuggtcmm of For manufacture of arms at national armories, four hundred thousand uma pn national dollars: Provided, That not more than sixty-five thousand dollars of the =¤*J¤;j';*:'f?¤· money appropriated for the Ordmmcc Department, in all its bf8D0h6B, i' H""' shall be applied to the payment of civilian clerks in said Department. 1:. _ s. mzmg- Ummn Smrms Tnsrmo-Mncmun.-For caring tor, preserving, f**”$h:¤‘*’· tQ*”°tb°f using, and operating the United States testing-machine at the Water- “"}.,m;? mg °‘ town Arsenal, mn thousand dollars: Provided, That the tests of iron wm; of mm mq and steel and other materials for industrial purposes shall be continued steel. _ during the next fiscal year, and report thereof shall be made to Congress: gggéfiiron md And provided further, That in making tests for private citizens the offimml for pmfam cer in charge may require payment in advance, and may use the funds emmm, gud tm., so rccmived in making such private tests, making inll report thereof to » u my i me d _ by the Chief of Ordnance; and the Chief of Ordnance shall give attention f§‘{§f‘{}“§n£‘;°°f;Y to Suck programme of tests as may be submitted by the American