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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1149

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1096 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 561. 1891. act, namely, “That not less than twenty-seven hundred trees were . planted on each_ acre," are_ hereby repealed: And provided further, mrguiodot culvivn- at in compluting the period of cultivation the time shall run from ' the date of the entry, if the necessary acts of cultivation were per- Acuor wxnvmon. formed ve ithin the proper time: And provided further, That the preparation of the land and the planting of trees shall be construed as acts of cultivation, and the time authorized to be so employed and actually employed shall be computed as a part of the e1g t years of cultivation required by statute: Provided, That any person who has rpm sae muem made entry of any pub 10 lands of the Umtod States under the timberf,§’§kj,"},"n},',°,,j.,§§,f““’ culture laws, an who has for a period of four years in good faith comphed with the provisions of said laws and who is an actual bona fido resident of the State or Territory in which said land is located shall be entitled to make Hnal proof thereto, and acquire title to the """°"" ?“"‘°’ "i3’£12?“"$°“” ‘I£§”`3».§l‘2E“23“‘36'gwi£€%Z>1?§ZS°itfilpté 1228 or suc un er s a u - scribed by the; Secretary of the Interior, and registers and receivers _ shall be allowed the same fees and compensation for final (proofs in mmm for timber-culture entries asis now allowed y_law in homestea entries; pm, cms_ And prowdgdiadhw, That no land acquired under the provisions gf agtists ll;. antyggvent bcicomle ha le to tgiejlsatgfacition any e or e conrac prior 0 eissuingo e na ceri cae therefor. Dasrtluah Sec. 2. That an act to provide for the sale of desert lands in cervd W P m taiéi States and Territ<Lriesi)approve1dd llmrchlthird, leighteenl hpmdred ,,,1 ‘ * · ·an seven y·seven, is ere y amen y a ing thereto the o owin sections: ,,,g:;°f,gM°P°'°"" Sec. 4. That at the time of Bling the declaration hereinbefore required tho party shall also Hle a map of said land, which shall exhibit ahpfaitighovgiing tpe niiplde of cigntemplated iréigatpon, and gvdiicg plag s su cion to oroug y imgate an rec aim said an , an prepare it to raise ordinary agricultural_ crops,_ and shall also show _ the source of the water to be used for irrigation and reclamation. ”°°°**¤°¤°· Persons entering or proposing to enter separate sections, or fractional , parts of sections, of desert lands may associate together in the constrgcitiontpf capals ang ditches for irrigating apd reclainning pll of sai rac , an may e a joint map or maps s owing their p an of internal im rovoments. mmm °¤P¢¤°*· Sec. 5. That no land shall be atented to any erson under this °°m°‘°°°ir°°°°°°°` act unless he or his assignors shall have expendedp in the necessary irrigation, reclamation, and cultivation thereof, by means of main canals and branch ditches, and in permanent improvements upon the land, anadlin thiehpurcihqpe of water rights go; the irrigation of the same,a eas ree dollars r acreo w oo tr ct recl' d d .!gj:ng**b¤¤*¤¤ <>f patented in the manner folldwin : Within one yhar aftgimmaklihg ` eptpy for sulch tract ofhdesert land as aforesaid the party so entering s a expen not ess t an one do ar per acre for the u af e- said: and he shall in like manner expend the sum ofpodgodgllaropler acre during the second and also during the third year thereafter, until P'°°‘· the full sum of three dollars per acre is so expended. Said arty shall ile during each year with the register proof, by the affidavits of two ogg crediblgcgritnessesg that the full sum of oneddollar per acre n expen m suc necessa improvements uring such year, and the manner in which expendgd, and at the ex iration FM og the year a maplcir plan qlziowilpglphe cihgractep and extent o suc im rovemen . an pa y w o as m e suc ap ication shall fail during ay year to Slo the testimony aforesaid the lands shall revert to the mted States, and the twenty-five cents advanced pgyment shall be forfeited to the United States, and the entry shall m$_:*'“¤*‘ M ¤*¤ ¤ ¤· cancelled. Nothing heroin contained shall prevent a claimant from ` making his final entry and receiving his patent at an earlier date than