FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 561. 1891. 1097 hereinbefore prescribed, provided that he then makes the required proofof reclamation to the aggregate extent of three dollars per acre: Pmmded, That proof be furt er required of the cultivation of one- ammo. eighth of the land. “`°°‘ °* °°**·*”**°¤- ' Sec. 6. That this act hall not aifect any valid rights heretofore Jtlgid rishts not accrued under said act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy- °° ' seven, but all bona-fide claims heretofore lawfully initiated may be perfected, upon due compliance with the provisions of said act, in v¤1.m,p.:m. the same manner, u_pon the same terms and conditions, and sub`ect to the same limitations, forfeitures, and contests as if this act had not been passed; or said claims, at the option of the claimant, may be perfected and patented under the provisions of said act, as amended y this act, so far as applicable; and all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are ereby repealed. Sec. 7. That at any time after ling the declaration, and within P¤;¤¤¤if¤ issue on the period of four years thereafter, upon making satisfactory proof gx; W mh ‘°"' to the register and the receiver of the reclamation and cultivation of said land to the extent and cost and in the manner aforesaid, and substantially in accordance with the plans herein provided for, and that he or s e is a citizen of the United States, and upon payment A·id1¤¤¤•1 pennant. to the receiver of the additional sum of one dollar per acre for said land, a patent shall issue therefor to the applicant or his assigns; but no person or association of persons sha] old by assignment or otherwise prior to the issue of patent, more than three hundred and umm. twenty acres of such arid or desert lands but this section shall not a ply to entries made or initiated prior to the approval of this act. lgiovided, however, That additiona proofs mag be reqlpired at any 1+ovi•¤. time within the period prescribed b law, an that the claims or entries made under this or any giant shall be subject to con- manmm mu _ test, as provided by the law, re ating to omestead cases, for illegal inception, abandonment, or failure to comply with the requirements of law, and u n satisfactory proof thereo shall be canceled, and the lands, an¢f)1(honeys paid therefor, shall be forfeited to the United States. Sec. 8. That the provisions of the act to which this is an amend- Ooeqgdappucsble to ment, and the an endments thereto, shall apply to and be in force in ° °‘ the State of Colorado, as well as the States named in the original act; and no person shall be entitled to make entry of desert and except he be a resident citizen of the State or Territory in which Resident citizens the lgnd sought to be entered is located. " my my °°°°”‘ Sec. 3. That section tweigtly-two hundred and eighty-eight of the Revised Statutes be amepd sp ps to rgad ina follows : t h Sec. 2288. An bona e se ther un er e re-cmp ion, ome- '1‘¤·:¤¤f¤¤¤ ¤¤¢¤r<~ stead, or other shttlement law shall have the rlght to transfer, by x?"°'°"°l'° P`"` warranty against his own acts, anty portion of his claim for church, cemetery, or school purploses, or or the right of way of railroads RS-€=ec.2¤B8.p.4l9, canals, reservoirs, or ditc es for irrigation or drainage across it; and °"'°°° ‘ the transfer for such public purposes shall in no way vitiate the right to complete and erfect the title to his c1aim." Sue. 4. That clhapter four of title thirty-two, excepting sections Pm-emption uws twenty-two hundred and seventy-five, twenty-two hundred and "°"°'""‘* sevent -six, twenty-two hundred and eighty-six, of the Revised Stat- mi},;&5w£•;_?§2;§¤4· utes off the Unitedr States, and all other laws allowing pre-emption n4.4i»,;q,eQiea’°°‘ of the public lands of the United States, are hereby repealed, but all bona fide claims lawfully initiated before the Opassage of this act, under any of said provisions of law so repeal , may be perfected Migu-semen or bam upon due com liance with law, in the same manner, upon the same °'““‘“‘ terms and conditions, and supgect to the same limitations, forfeitures, and contests, as if this act h not been passed. Sue. 5, That sections twenty two hundred and eighty-nine and Homesuas twenty-two hundred and ninety, in said chapter numbered five of
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