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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1157

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1104 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 563, 564. 1891. States, ex-officio commissioner of the sinking fund, countersigned `by the auditor of the District of Columbia, and bear the seal of said District. They shall be numbered consecutweliy, and registered in the office of the Register of the United States reasury, for which registration the Secretary of the Treasury shall make such provision as ma be necessa . sm umm TheyTreasurer olllthe United States is hereby authorized to sell and dispose of any of the bonds issued under this act, at not less than their par value, to the most favorable bidder or bidders, after having duly advertised the same for ten consecutive insertions in two daily papers in Washington and two in New York, the bids to be opened under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the

 Treasury, and the award to be subject to his approval. The proceeds

°{,’g'd,,,°°°°'"_ thereof shall be applied to the redemption of any of the bon s of the District of Columbia falling due on the first day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and on the first and twenty sixth <£a.ys of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-two ; but the bonds hereby authorized shall be used for no other purpose whatsoever. onus: paymentot Any of the bonds hereby authorized may be called in for payment ¤°"’°”*¤· after the expiration of two years from the date of issue, biy said Treasurer of the United States, at his discretion. The last of the said bonds oreiginally issued under this act, and their substitutes, shall be iilpsiilclall and order of payment shall be followed until all s a ave n pai . Advertisement or Public notice shall be given biadvertisement by ten successive '°°°'“’°°"‘ insertions in two daily papers pu lished in the city of Washington of the time on which payment willbe made, and the interest on the particular bonds so se ected at any time to be aid shall cease at the · . expili-ation of thirty days from the date of sucll) notice. upenn. e Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized and directed to provide for the payment of all expenses connected with the engraving, issue, and redemption of the above bonds, upon vouchers to be approved by the Treasurer of the United States. Approved, March 3, 1891. March mam. CHAP. 564.-An act for the protection of the lives of miners in the Territories Be it enacted by the_Senate and House eZ' Re senmtives of the 1.,,.,,,,, of md United States of America. in Congress assem led, llzhat in each organ-

°° ized and unorganized Territory of the United States wherein are

located coal mines, the aggregate annual output of which shall be in excess of one thousand tons per annum, the President shall appoint a mine insipector, who shall hold office until his successor is appointed and quali ed. Such inspector shall, before entering upon the disnom. charglp of his duties, give bond to the United States in the sum of tlwpthousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his - u ies. Eliziuwr. _ Sm. 2. That no person shall be eligible for appointment as mine inspector under section one of this act who, is not either a practical miner or muung engineer and who has not been a resident for at least six months in the Territory for which he shall be appointed; and no person_who shall act asland agent, manager, or agent of any mine, or as nnmng enlgineer, or be interested in operating any mine m such Terrgtplplyé glgta be at the same time an inspector under the provisions o , num Sec. 3._ That it shall be the duty of the mine inspector provided for in this act to make careful and thorough inspection of each coal Reports. mine operated in such Territory, and to re rt at east annually upon the condition of each coal mine in said 'lgaorritory with reference to the appliances for the safety of the miners, the number of air or