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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1158

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I r1F·rv-r1Rs·r oononnss. sees. 11. ou. 564. 1891. 1105 ventilating shafts, the number of shafts or slopes for ingress or egress, the character and condition of the machinery for ventilating such mines, and the quantity of air su lied to same. Such reports shall be made to the governor of the Territory in which such mines are located and ai dulplicate thereof forwarded to the Secretar of the Interior, and in‘t e case of an unorganized Territory directly to the Secretary of the Intel ior. Sec. _4. That in case the said mine inspector shall report that any Notincation pr uu. coal mine is not propprly constructed or not furnished with reason- $;°“d*“‘°“ °‘ able and proper mac inery and appliances for the safety of the miners and other employees it shall be the dut of the governor of such organized Territory it shall be the duty ofy the Secreta of the Intenor to give notice to the owners or managers of said, coal mine that the said mine is unsafe and notifying them in what particular the same is unsafe, and requiring them to furnish or provide such additional machinery, slopes, entries, means of escape, ventilation, or other appliances necessary to the safety of the miners and other employees within a period to be in said notice named, and if the same be not furnished as required in such notice it shall be unlawful after the time fixed in such notice for the said owners or managers to operate said mine. Sec. 5. That in all coal mines in the Territories of the United States Two sum rm- each the owners or managers shall provide at least two shafts, slopes, or """°· other outlets, separated by natural strata of not less than one hundred and fifty feet in breadth, by which shafts, slopes, or outlets distinct means of ingress and egress shall always be available to the persons employed in said mine. And in case of the failure of any coal mine to be so provided it shall be the duty of the mine inspector to make report of such fact, and thereupon notice shall issue, ashprnvided in section four of this act, and with the same force and e ect. Sec. 6. That the owners or managers of every coal mine at a depth vepmeaee ae ne of one hundred feet or more shall provide an adequate amount of *"°‘”“°‘ ventilation of not less than fifty-five cubic feet of pure air [per second, or thirty-three hundred cubic feet per minute, for every fty men at . work in said mine, and in like proportion for a greater number, which air shall by proper appliances or machinery be forced through such mine to the face of each and every working place, so as to dilute and render harmless and expel therefrom the noxious or poisonous gases; and all workings shall be kept clear of standing gas. Sec. 7. That any mine owner or managpr who sh l continue to reuenlz for mnue operate a mine after failure to comply wit the requirements of this °°°°'“ · act and after the expiration of the period named in the notice provided for in section four of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not to exceed five hundred dollars. Sec. 8. That in no case shall e. furnace shaft be used or for the 1=·¤¤»¤ee emu. purposes of this act be deemed an escape shaft. Sec. 9. That escape shafts shall be constructed in compliance with Constmction er eethe requirements of this act within six months from the date of the °"l’° “"“""· passage hereof, unless the time shall be extended by the mine inspector, and in no case shall said time beextended to exceed one year from the passage of this act. Sec. 10. That a metal speakin -tube from the top to the bottom of spemegmbee. the shaft or slope shall be provicled in all cases, so that conversation may be carried on through the same. Sec. 11. That an approved safety catch shall be provided and sufh- Safety catches. cient cover overhead on every carriage used in lowering or hoisting persons. And the mine inspectors shall examine and pass upon the adequacy and safety of aH such hoisting apparatus. ~ Sec. 12 That no child under twelve years of age shall beemplo ed Children under- 12 ~ in the underground workings of any mine. An no father or other ggmfg "°"" “"‘°' person shall misrepresent the age of anybody so employed. Any p.,.,,.1t,-g.,.-v;.,i.¤.,_,_ person guilty of violating the provisions of this section shall be STAT 1.--voL. XX\’I———’:O