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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1159

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1106 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 564, 565. 1891. deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars. Men m charge or Sec. 13. That onl experienced and competent and sober men h°*““”g “PP”°°““· shall be placed in charge of hoisting apparatus or engines. And the maximum number of persons who may ascend or descend upon any cage or hoisting apparatus shall be determined by the mine ins ector. Ingpgcigm Slim. 14 That it shall be lawful for any inspector to enter and inspect any coal mine in his district and the work and machinery belonging thereto at all reasonable times, but so as not to impede or obstruct the working of the mine; and to make inquiry into the state of the mine, works, and machinery, and the ventilation and mode of lighting the same, and into al matters and things connected with or relating to the safety of the persons employed in or about the same, and especially to make inquiry whether the proowns-mnumsn in- visions of this act are complied with; and the owner or agent is ’°""‘“‘°“·°”°· hereby required to furnish means necessary for such entry, inspection, examination and inquiry, of which the said inspector shall make an entry in the record in his office, noting the time and material circumstances of the inspection. _Rep0rt er mm sc- Sec. 15. That in all cases of fatal accident a full report thereof $""°‘“ shall be made by the mine owner or manager to the mine inspector, said re rt to be in the writing and made within ten days after such death sili)all have occurred. Injunctipn wma: Sec. 16. That as a cumulative remedy, in case of the failure of '°°°"°"k'"‘°f ‘ any owner or manager of any mine to comply with the requirements contained in the notice of the Governor of such Territory or the Secretary of the Interior, given in ursuance of this act, any court of competent jurisdiction, or the judge of such court in vacation, may, on the application of the mine inspector in the name of the United States and supported by the recommendation of the governor of said Territory, or of the Secretary of the Interior, issue an injunction restraining the further operation of such mine until such requirements are complied with, and in order to obtain such injunction no bond shall be required. 0,,,,,,;,,], ,.,,5],,,,,. SEC 17. That wherever the term " owner or manager " is used in ¤¤>¤i¤y· this act the same shall include lessees or other persons controlling the operation of any mine. And in case of the violation of the provisions of this act by any corporation the managing officers and superintendents, and other managing agents of such corporation, shall e personally liable and shall be punished as provided in act for owners and managers 1¤¤v•¢¤>r¤1¤¤y.¤¢¤- Sno 18. That the mine inspectors rovided for in this act shall each receive a salary of two thousand) per annum, and their actual traveling ezrippnses when engaged in their duties. Tsmwmmmmm Sec. 19. at whenever any organized Territory shall make or °°P°”°°°****¤'*"· has made provision by law for the safe o eration of mines within such Territory, and the governor of such Tgrritory shall certify said fact with a copy of the said law to the Secretary of the Interior, then and thereafter the rovisions of this act shall no longer be enforced in such organized Territory, but in lieu thereof the statute of such Territory shall be operative in lieu of this act. Approved March 3, 1891. March 3, 1801. CHAP. 565.-—An act to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes

  • ·"————— of the United States, relating to copyrights.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Copyrights, United States of America in Congress assembled, That section forty- nine hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes be, and the same 1S hereby, amended so as to read as follows: